Friday, January 16, 2009

Animal Rights or I Want To Be Right?

Just a quick info because I have more important things to do "like" work or trying to get results in the animal rights cause.

A persistent animals rights blogger got his knickers in a knot over the fact that I created a cause/idea on that actaully got people's attention.

The fascinating part is that when I look at his blog, he is actaully a very intelligent man with an obviously huge heart for animals. He has great information about animal rights or whatever the PC term is to properly talk about the issues. He has insightful articles right ups and links.

But yet when my cause went in to the 2nd round of voting on he was so upset that he actaully send me a message about it. Not "how can I help?", or "how we can work together on helping animal?", but a condescending message in which one of the things he said was that "People Like me set the animal rights movement back 30 years". He was obviously very upset about my cause getting in to the top three in the first round. The animal rights blogger and moderator for the animal rights section on also lamented over the three top. She openly supported this blogger's cause and she did have her own cause/idea as well, both of which did not make it in to the top three regardless how much she wrote about it in her blog. I did read his idea and while I agreed on the fundamentals, I think it was poorly worded, too philosophical, convoluted and offered no solutions, so it got simply zero attention. Even with a better title I still think the idea would have failed because of the poor wording.

In the 2nd round my idea did not get in to the final top 10. Well everyone had to compete with all the causes even non related ideas and some of the top idea were drug related, legalizing drugs forgive student loans and human right issues of course animals lose out at the end. It's always been like that. Nevertheless we got almost 4000 votes and that said something.

So here is this fellow who insists on picking on my idea so that he actaully wrote about it in his blog. In a response to a comment he called it "fluff'

I won't tell you all he wrote but here is a link so you can read it for yourself. CLICK HERE

I did sent a response but I don't know if it will be posted since it is a moderated blog. Here is my response that I wrote to him. I post it here because I doubt he'll post it in his blog. Maybe he'll prove me wrong.


This is the Ms. Callaway, it's actually Mrs. but that is not so important, that created an idea named "Stop The Live Skinning of Animals” and renamed it "Stop Animal Torture".

I can deal with people disagreeing and of course you have every right to do so. I am surprised however for someone of your intelligence that you would refer to my idea as "fluff" just because you think the title is too sensational.

So title goes over context. Do you also disagree, that skinning animals while they are alive should be stopped?

It only shows that you seem to be more concerned with semantics then with the issue and getting result.

If you had bothered to read everything I wrote all the links and pages I created and If you actually knew me you would never call it “fluff” unless you just very stubborn. But I think you made up your mind about me, my cause, idea in an instance in the same way you would probably object anyone judge you in the blink of an eye.

Believe it or not I do get what you say and the sensational headlines, the attention getting approach is often very upsetting. In news in general in the media and the world, but it is how it is done. I am willing to humble myself in to using methods that are not the highest social moral methods i.e “headline grabbing titles”, within the law, if it get me closer to results. Mainly to get animals rights written in to laws and enforced and finally to get our society to stop eating meat, wearing fur etc, I want results. I want people to see what I see and feel hat I feel and I want them to do it freely if possible.

I have high ideals too and if it were for me and me alone I would not have to use any headlines, because no animal would be used for monetary gain. But I live in a world that is different from what I wish it were.

I want to get the attention of people not for my but for any animal cruelty, torture, misuse, abuse, issue that you can think off and if I have to stand on top of a roof buck naked and scream bloody murder I would do that too. My husband would object and I reserve that drastic measure for when I ran out of other options.

So I used a headline that gets people attention. They may actually start to think, grow a heart and get a conscience. That is what I think has to happen in order for things to change. I wasn’t always Vegan and it was one of those headlines that got my attention so sue me, but it changed my life, my thinking and I glad I saw that headline, I am glad I saw what I really did not want to see but I saw it and I’m glad and it changed my life. You yourself don’t seem to be shying away from using pictures that can be disturbing and shocking or at least should be to most. What is different from using a Title that says “Stop the live skinning of animals” from using a picture that shows a skinned animal?

Taking the moral high road and belittling others may make you feel better but what is it getting done to get to your goal or is the your philosophical stands more important then ending suffering?

I think we really have to same goals but a different way of trying to get there.

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