We are not ostriches, and cannot believe that if we refuse to look at what we do not wish to see, it will not exist. This is especially the case when what we do not wish to see is what we wish to wear or eat.
An URGENT PRAYER to the "Almighty God" The God of All Creations.
I Pray to the All Mighty God, the God of all creation, I pray to you, turn their hearts around, make them see the evil of their ways, those that call themselves "The Fur Council Of Canada" make them see their evil doing, so they may change and stop murdering innocent beings, that you "Almighty God" so generously created for us to love. I pray that they stop lying to your people, when they say "Fur is Green."
In the name of humanity , we know fur is NOT GREEN it is red drenched in the BLOOD OF INNOCENCE.
Dear God stop them from turning humans in to barbarians, stop them from killing senselessly in the name of Vanity & Greed. Protect our children from them. They have no shame! Tell them now reach in to their hearts and tell them now to stop!
BUT If they do not stop, I pray with all my strengths and all my heart, that you may punish them. If they do not turn and denounce their evil advertisement I pray that you make them fallen with sickness, make them get stricken with cancers and let them fall to accidents, make the beautiful ugly make them old and frail, lonely and hopeless.
Watch over your innocent beings, save them from the devil who houses the bodies of these beings that look like humans but are not HUMANE, these devils that run this web site
"The Fur Council Of Canada" . I your name I pray! AMEN!
Fur Is SO NOT Green ! ! !
Or better yet, please consider writing a letter to your local paper on how the Vancouver Olympics Supports Fur! VANOC of the Vancouver Olympics is a despicable, elite organization that funnels enormous amounts of money from taxpayers into their already well lined pockets. They have tried to black out protesting and taken away the freedom to advertise around the Vancouver area during the Olympics. They have security forces up in forces that make one wonder if they have jumped into a military state. It is absurd. Now there is one more HORRIFIC reason to HATE VANOC:
Forward from Vancouver Animal Defense League (VADL):
All of TransLink’s advertising is in the control of VANOC for the duration of the “Olympic Blackout Period – January 12 to March 23, 2010. This is a media blackout period where VANOC has control over every ad run on a bus, skytrain and train.
Please email VANOC and tell them what you think about the Fur Council of Canada running FUR IS GREEN advertisements on skytrains. We think the money they make off those ads is dripping with the blood of innocent animals, and we want them PULLED! Shame on VANOC and shame on ANYONE making money off the suffering of fur bearing animals!
Please visit http://www.furisgreen.com if you need to induce vomiting. There you will find laughable statements like: "Without human intervention, wildlife can be subjected to wildly swinging “boom and bust” cycles of overpopulation followed by disease and starvation"......''If we don't use part of what nature produces, we will use petroleum-based synthetics or other materials that may damage the environment''
FUR IS NOT GREEN! Check out http://www.crueltyisnotgreen.com/
Thank you to the Vancouver Animal Defense League for Forwarding this Information!