Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Selective prosecution .... this is so wrong!

I am a Vegan, as such I do not consume any animal related products.
I wish everyone were vegan. I want to persuade people and convince people that going Vegan is the best way for a person’s health as well as for reasons of consciousness. Animal cruelty to farm animals is really horrible, when you seen behind the curtain of factory farms you can never go back. As a vegan, yes I would like to see people change away from animal products.

Here is what is upsetting to me about this story. Our federal government is going after Raw milk producers and selectively and unjustly persecute and shut them down.
Everyone involved from the Sheriffs to the Police are aiding an evil government.

It does not take much to figure out that this has nothing to do with protecting the public from dangerous milk and cheese product. This is all about the Dairy industry using it's political powers (bought for with their millions) to shut down an emerging competition. There are more and more people waking up to the DANGERS of the Milk and Dairy products. Cows shut up with drugs, milk contaminated with drugs and hormones and those are not removed by pasteurization,. With each sip of standard pasteurized milk out children re being poisoned.

Of course I know that any milk is dangerous because milk contains Casein which has been linked to different types of cancer, not to mention allergic reactions and stomach problems. Humans are not meant to drink milk other than their own species milk i.e. MOTHERSMILK or eat cheese. But that is a whole other story.

I don’t think people will ever be forced to do anything or give up anything unless they are persuaded to do so.
I try my best to educate my friends and associates to the dangers of Milk or better DAIRY in general. However if they drink milk I would probably tell them that raw from a small local farm milk is saver then the government approved mass production factory farm milk. I have educated myself about this and I am speaking from what I have learned. People have been drinking raw milk and eating raw cheese for centuries and are still doing so in many countries but only in America is our evil government persecuting these farmers. It’s all political it’s the huge Dairy industry that is behind this.

They should be brought up on charges of fraud, because they have been selling defective product to millions of Americans for the longest time now and all GOVERNMENT APPROVED!
The action by this government to persecute these small indie producers goes against all justice and really disgust me.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Mother and Son to Open Vegan Soul Food Restaurant in Harlem

With all of the soul food spots in Harlem, how would you make yours stand out from the pack? Easy: Create a specialty store, or in this case, a vegan soul food restaurant. The team of Chef Brenda Breener and her son Aaron have secured enough funds through Kickstarter to open Seasoned Vegan next month. The "super-strict" establishment will serve 100 percent vegan soul food.

read full story

Friday, January 25, 2013

Lev Tolstoy and the Freedom to Choose One’s Own Path

Journal for Critical Animal Studies, Volume V, Issue 2, 2007
Lev Tolstoy and the Freedom to Choose One’s Own Path
Andrea Rossing McDowell, PhD
It is difficult to be sat on all day, every day, by some other creature, without
forming an opinion about them. On the other hand, it is perfectly possible to sit all
day every day, on top of another creature and not have the slightest thought about
them whatsoever.
-- Douglas Adams, Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (1988)

Committed to the idea that the lives of humans and animals are inextricably linked, Lev
Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828–1910) promoted—through literature, essays, and letters—the
animal world as another venue in which to practice concern and kindness, consequently leading
to more peaceful, consonant human relations. The focal point of Tolstoy’s philosophy of humananimal
relations, however, is susceptible to distortion or misinterpretation. On the one hand,
some scholars minimize or dismiss as extremist Tolstoy’s renunciation of hunting, his vegetarian
lifestyle, and his rejection of animal subjects for medical or scientific purposes.

...Tolstoy includes animals among those downtrodden, dominated beings
whose own needs and protection are discounted for the “benefits” of those in control. Thus
mindful of the subjugated Other, Tolstoy realizes he must “turn his back completely on the
system of values accepted by the comfortable elite to which he belonged” (Walicki 326). Only in
this way can a person freely live an ethical and humane existence: by disavowing society’s
system of values—including the devaluation of non-human animals. These ultimate realizations
and convictions at which Tolstoy arrived provides a valuable framework for recontextualizing
earlier literary works, in that the animal realm aided his efforts to discern what it means to be
human and humane, and to live by deed rather than words....

Read full document here

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dogs rescued from Everglades

This is what a lack of empathy does. We live in a cruel, cruel world...

and on the other side of the coin there are great people that go out and rescue. We need more of them, better yet we need to learn to be kind and compassionate and not abandon our animals, or elderly or children. We need a raise in consciousness!
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