Vegan Helpers

When I first became a Vegan in 2008, practically overnight, I did not think how difficult it would be to forge ahead. Not the part that I can control, what I eat, wear and my behavior, but dealing with the judgement, prejudice and often ridicule from the bigger part of society who is non vegan.

I had to come to grips with the fact that the majority of people are of course not Vegan, eat animals, wear leather, go to circuses and as a whole don't much think or care about the consequences of their choices. The worst part is that many do not care. That was probably the most difficult realization. Response to Veganism from non vegans runs from polite indifference to outright cruel and mean and sometimes even threatening, depending on demographics. I found younger people to be more receptive and that speaks for our young generations, that will forge a new kinder and more compassionate world ahead.

I eventually learned to focus on those that are willing to learned the truth about animal suffering, the truth about how what we eat also affects our health, and the truth about the lies we have been told for centuries about food, animals,ourselves and the environment we must live in side by side with other beings. When I began to focus on those individuals that are beginning to awake, I began to realize that there are many people like myslef who spend the best part of their life, as the average person does, eating meat, cheese, eggs, milk, wear silk, leather, wool, fur and happily go to the circus thinking it all so wonderful, never questioning the treatment and ethical consequences of their choices.

I was that person at one time. I wasn't a bad person, I was simply living in a bubble that was ready to burst and it did in 2008. A huge light went off in my head. I no longer could reconcile my conscience with the new knowledge I gained.

In the words of the German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer “The assumption that animals are without rights, and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance, is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion in the only guarantee of morality.”

Knowing how it is I will try to provide links, stories and whatever necessary to help anyone who wants to become a compassionate vegan to do so. You may also contact me to talk about specific challenges and i will try to help or provide resources. I will provide some links to sites that offer help and instructions on how to life a successful vegan life.

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