Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ag gag veto - Poached Prostate - Arsenic in Poultry - Explosions on Pig farms

  Ag-Gag Veto
In a victory for farmed animals, both in Tennessee and nationwide, Tennessee governor Haslam vetoed the state’s ag-gag bill. Learn more.
  Poached Prostate
A new study conducted by researchers at Harvard has revealed a startling link between egg consumption and prostate cancer. Get informed.
  Winning the War
A fantastic article in the Village Voice rips big agribusiness for its blatant attempts to silence whistleblowers and animal activists. Check it out.
  Free to Be
Join Bob Barker, Jane Velez-Mitchell, Sam Simon, and other stars as we celebrate MFA’s victories for farmed animals at unforgettable events in Los Angeles and New York this June. Buy tickets!
  Poisoned Poultry
Arsenic-based drugs given to chickens on farms have raised fears over adverse health effects in humans, ranging from heart disease to diabetes. Find out more.
  Fecal Foam
A mysterious, foam-like substance has been discovered on pig farms, bubbling out of manure pits and leading to dangerous explosions. Get all the details.