Saturday, February 21, 2009

Police swoop on protest ship

Police swoop on protest ship


February 21, 2009 12:00am

POLICE boarded the anti-whaling ship Steve Irwin when it arrived in Hobart last night and confiscated the ship's log book and video footage.
The film depicts some of the most dramatic whale-killing scenes ever seen, crew on the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ship said.

After violent clashes with Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean, the Steve Irwin was met by Australian Federal Police when it docked in Hobart about 5.30pm.

The police, who had search warrants, kept the crew on board as they searched cabins.

Steve Irwin captain Paul Watson said he was not told whether the police action stemmed from a complaint by the Australian Government or from the Japanese.

He said the Steve Irwin had never been searched before but he would welcome any charges that led to the crew facing a court.

"My position is that if they want to put me on trial for anything connected with this, then I am happy to do it," Capt Watson said.

"We are not there protesting, we are down there to stop a blatantly criminal activity, to stop whaling in a whale sanctuary.

"These actions have to go to court somewhere, so let's start it here."

Capt Watson said the conservationists had risked their lives during the campaign and were willing to risk their freedom.

He said the campaign had ended four days earlier than intended because it was clear the Japanese whalers were "out of control".

"They were frustrated, violent and attacking us," he said.

"I didn't want to get any of them killed or any of us killed."

The Australian Federal Police could not be contacted by the Mercury last night, though Tasmania Police confirmed federal officers met the ship.

The Steve Irwin was involved in its most extreme and dangerous clashes this season, culminating with the activist vessel crashing into the stern of the Yushin Maru 3 on February 7.

Capt Watson's crew said they were pelted with scrap metal, blasted with high-powered water canons and attacked with military-grade sonic weapons.

Tasmanian crew member Andrew Perry said the video footage was harrowing because the Japanese whalers had become more brazen by the end of the hunting season and for the first time slaughtered a whale in full view of the Steve Irwin.

Mr Perry said the footage, taken from the ship's helicopter, showed a whaler's explosive-tipped harpoon piercing a whale.

"The whale was then pulled alongside the (Japanese) boat and it was shot seven times with a shotgun."

He said the helicopter crew, filming for TV documentary show Animal Planet, then saw the whale thrashing and could hear it screaming.

Mr Perry said the slaughter took more than 20 minutes.

"It was an incredibly distressing thing to behold," he said.

"We have never been able to get footage like that before. It's going to be damning."

Mr Perry, of Hobart, said one of the reasons the Steve Irwin had concluded the campaign and returned to Hobart was because they had heard the Japanese had deployed a security vessel to track down the activists and seize the footage.

"We heard they had a commando boarding team whose objective was to find us and board us," he said.

Mr Perry, 39, drove one of the Steve Irwin's small runabouts during the campaign and was often in the frontline.

He said the 6.5m rigid inflatable boats were "like a mosquito pestering an elephant" when up against the 80m whaling boats.

He feared for his life when whalers tried to ram his small vessel and attack him with acoustic blasters and water canons.

"They threatened to crush us in between the Steve Irwin and their boat," he said. "It was a scary moment. There was no regard for our individual safety."

He said the Sea Shepherd crew never intended to harm any of the whalers but simply to pester them and act as a deterrent.

He said a tactic of the activists was to throw putrefied butter-bombs on to the whaling vessels, to taint the whale meat and render it worthless.

"We are always mindful to make sure we don't throw near any crew, we don't want to harm crew," he said.

Saturday, January 03, 2009


The Japan Whaling Association (JWA) today called on the Australian and New Zealand governments to close their ports to a Dutch vessel committing criminal acts in the Antarctic.

Captain Paul Watson: Japan is once again attempting to use political and economic muscle to attempt to persuade our flag nation of the Netherlands to pull our flag and for Australian and New Zealand ports to be closed to Sea Shepherd ships.

Australian and New Zealand ports are presently closed to Japanese whaling vessels and not Sea Shepherd vessels for the very good reason that Japanese whaling activities are illegal in the Southern Ocean and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has not committed a single criminal offense. Sea Shepherd has not damaged any Japanese property, injured any Japanese whalers nor have we committed any violations. After five voyages of interference there has not been one criminal charge brought against Sea Shepherd nor has Sea Shepherd been sued. Calling us criminals has no legal foundation and merely is an attempt to distract from the fact that Japanese whalers are targeting endangered whales in an established international whale sanctuary in violation of a global moratorium on commercial whaling. This is in contempt of an Australian Federal Court ruling prohibiting whaling in the waters of the Australian Antarctic Territory.


A message from the Dalai Lama . . .

Thursday, February 19, 2009

How about some good News

Everyone’s a Winner in Vegas
February 13, 2009 : 3:37 PM
Especially the community cats, thanks to implementation of new Clark County ordinance

By Cathy Scott, Best Friends staff writer

The recent return of two feral cats from the Clark County shelter to their original colonies was a historic occasion. It marked the first community cats to be released under the county’s new ordinance, which now makes it legal in the Las Vegas valley to trap, neuter and return – or TNR – feral cats.

It also makes Nevada one of the nearly 40 states that include TNR language in laws intended to protect community cats. READ ALL ABOUT IT

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Laws allowing corpse-munching are a waste of time

Laws are a waste of time. You don't eat your neighbor, not because it's against the law; but, because it's gross. California's Prop 2 is absurd folly.

The four primary requirements of the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 were:

Mandatory inspection of livestock before slaughter (cattle, sheep, goats, equines, swine, chickens);

Mandatory postmortem inspection of every carcass;

Sanitary standards established for slaughterhouses and meat processing plants;

Authorized U.S. Department of Agriculture ongoing monitoring and inspection of slaughter and processing operations.

After 1906, many additional laws to further standardize the meat industry and the USDA's methods of inspection were passed.

They are still ignoring laws passed in 1906.


Please help to end this cruel display of a Tiger

Tony's Story

For the last 15 years the number one complaint that comes to Big Cat Rescue is the story of Tony, a tiger held hostage at the Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete, Louisiana. Sometimes it is because the caller has unwittingly pulled into this run down gas station and been horrified at what they saw. Sometimes it is because they were traveling down 1-10 and saw the sign that reads: "LIve Tiger Exhibit" at the Tiger Truck Stop. Sometimes it is because the caller has seen some mention of the place online. In all cases, most people exclaim, "How can that be legal?"


CLICK HERE to take action send letter or e-mail to The Iberville Parish Council.
They will be holding a public hearing on February 17th to take comment on the ordinance that is currently in place (from 1993!) that prohibits possession of big cats.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Some Goods News For A Change

Humane Society Newsletter

Dear Friend,

I have some wonderful news to report.

I have just returned from the shores of Hay Island. There, instead of bearing witness to sealers beating defenseless seal pups to death with wooden bats, I stood amidst a spectacular nursery, alive with protective, nurturing mothers and their babies.

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the government of Nova Scotia announced last week that they were authorizing another grey seal kill. But yesterday, seal processing plants told seal hunters that they would not buy the skins of the baby grey seals, and the sealers stayed home.

The fact that buyers are unwilling to purchase grey seal pelts this year proves that global markets for seal products are evaporating. With a pending ban on seal product trade in the European Union, the writing is on the wall -- this is the beginning of the end of the commercial seal slaughter.

Many sealers are now openly wondering whether shrinking markets will also impact the imminent commercial harp seal kill. In light of these developments, HSI Canada is urging the Canadian government to buy out sealing licenses and develop alternative economies for coastal communities.

The grey seal pups are likely safe for now, but in just a few weeks, the true target of the world's largest slaughter of marine mammals -- the harp seals -- will be killed by the hundreds of thousands in horrible ways. Still, just as with the grey seals, there is hope for the harp seals. Not only is the demand for seal products drying up; the boycott of Canadian seafood products is costing the Canadian seafood industry far more than the seal hunt brings in.

Thank you for helping us keep up the fight for seals, and for all that you do for animals.

In celebration,

Rebecca Aldworth
Humane Society International/Canada

Friday, February 6, 2009

More Whales Slaughtered ... when will it stop?

Showdown on the Killing Grounds

Sea Shepherd Operation Musashi
Update from the Ross Sea

February 6th, 2009, 0130 Hours (Sydney Time)
February 5th, 2009, 1630 Hours (PST)
76 Degrees 01 Minutes South and 164 Degrees 57 Minutes West

A cameraman from the Sea Shepherd helicopter Kookaburra videotaped the harpooning and shooting of a Minke whale at 1045 Hours.

The whale took 25 minutes to die after being struck with a harpoon and receiving 7 shots from a high powered rifle. The sea was full of blood.


Everywhere I turn there are people killing innocent animals, great animals, live that is full of wonder and miracles, it's being killed for humans consumption.

I am so sick in my heart I don't even know how to express it.
I have lost faith in humans. These action are straight out of hell.

(The more I know humans, the more I love animals)

Photo Gallery Of Japanese Whaling

Monday, February 2, 2009

Japan Engaged In Illegal Whaling

Whalers fire water at activists in Antarctic Ocean


Under International Whaling Commission rules, the mammals may be killed for research but not for commercial purposes. Opponents say the Japanese research expeditions are simply a cover for commercial whaling, which was banned in 1986.

The whalers opened up on conservationists on one raft with a water cannon, knocking one man off his feet and leaving him with cuts and bruises, Watson told The Associated Press by satellite phone.


(Australian Customs Service via AP Photo)


Ask President Obama to end the whaling and dealing

I used the above link to send a message to President Obama (I doubt he'll get it) and I got this canned response:

"U.S. Department of State" to XXXXX

Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support
center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.

Thank you for contacting the State Department.

Ask President Obama to end the whaling and dealing

Discussion Thread
Response (Support Agent) - 02/02/2009 11:41 AM
Thank you for your interest in whale conservation. The United States is committed to advancing the global conservation and management of large whale populations through science-based policies and leadership in the International Whaling Commission (IWC). The United States continues to view the commercial whaling moratorium as a necessary conservation measure and believes that lethal scientific whaling is unnecessary in modern whale conservation management. The United States supports the IWC as the only international management body to monitor and regulate whaling and believes the IWC should be preserved as the premiere international forum for resolving current conservation issues, coordinating critical research, and developing international agreement on whale conservation.

Thank you for contacting the U.S. Department of State.

Question Reference #090202-000318
Date Created: 02/02/2009 11:17 AM
Last Updated: 02/02/2009 11:41 AM
Status: Solved
The IWC (International Whaling Commission) has their Annual Meeting in Portugal see info below CONTACT THE IWC


The 61st Annual Meeting will be held at:

The Pestana Casino Park Hotel
Rua Imperatriz D. Amélia
9004-513 Funchal
Tel: (+351) 291 20 91 00
Fax: (+351) 291 23 20 76



1. Write, e-mail, or call President Obama and let him know that you want the US to stop Japanese whaling now by withholding support for Japan's seat on the United Nation's Security Council until Japan whaling.

White House Comment Line: (202) 456-2461
White House Fax Line: (202) 456-2461
President Obama e-mail address:
President Obama mailing address:

President Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC 20500

2. Write or call your US Congressman and Senators and let them know that you want the US to stop Japanese whaling now by withholding support for Japan's seat on the United Nation's Security Council until Japan ends whaling.

US Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Commercials A Tirade of Animal Abuse

Is it just me or did I see one super bowl commercial after another with animals abuse content.

One where the football players dance round, one of them kicked a lizard off the screen

Another one I believe it was General Electric a animated tin man zapped a bird on a wire

in another one a women throws a cat in to the ceiling and it comes out of the other end letting out a cream while crashing on the floor

Another one a Koala bear gets repeatedly punched in to the face.

I guess this is supposed to be funny.

I don't think it is funny and it marks a new low of bad taste and is promoting animals abuse.

'Veggie Love': PETA's Banned Super Bowl Ad

I am disgusted! So NBC thought the PETA commercial was too explicit. Lingerie girls rubbing vegetables on their bodies is offensive but people throwing cats around or punching koalas in the face is not.

Obviously NBC thinks abusing animals is not explicit. What are we teaching our kids, nothing but violence. We should not be surprised when we hear them punching kittens, cutting up small animals and thinking it funny. We are obviously teaching it to them. NBC sucks!!!

The only uplifting animals commercial was the one with my beloved Clydesdale and one with animated lady bugs and crickets carrying off a coke bottle. Those were nice, I will remember them with positive thoughts.

Heidi The Cow Who Saved Herself

Read this story