Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Help Protect THE TONGASS

Carrie Feldman statement to teh Grand Jury of Iowa

I find this situation very interesting... it makes me question the constitutionality of the actions employed by the federal government. It seems basic rights are violated to incriminate people when there es a lack of evidence. I'm no lawyer but it just seams that government is over stepping. Holding US citizens, without charging them with anything??? Isn't that against all our civil rights.

Update From Local Grand Jury Resister Carrie Feldman

First of all, I would like to state, unequivocally and most certainly for the record, that I have no intention of testifying before this grand jury. Based on information from the prosecutor indicating that I may be a target of this investigation, I am invoking my Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. But beyond that, I am refusing to cooperate based on a sincere belief that to do so would run counter to my deeply held convictions and values.

Grand juries were originally created to prevent arbitrary indictments, but are now used as a tool of the prosecution to gather information. Grand juries undercut basic rights supposedly granted in the Constitution by denying access to counsel and coercing testimony. They are now, and have been for some time, used to investigate and intimidate those who would express dissent.

This is only effective when we are complicit, when we are frightened, when we are divided. Today my voice may waver, as I stand alone in this room. But I know I speak with the voice of every one of my friends, loved ones, and comrades when I say this: We will not be intimidated. We will not cooperate. I have nothing more to say to you.

Thanks to everyone for how much support I've gotten already. It means so much to me to know you have my back.

If you want to stay updated on my case, visit

The World Peace Diet

Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony