Thursday, March 4, 2010

Stop Whaling !!!

Please save the whales

"As president, I will ensure that the U.S. provides leadership in enforcing international wildlife protection agreements, including strengthening the international moratorium on commercial whaling. Allowing Japan to continue commercial whaling is unacceptable."
- Senator Obama responding to a Greenpeace questionnaire on March 16, 2008

Have we been betrayed? Earlier this week Japan's Fisheries minister announced that Japan wants to resume commercial whaling and called on the U.S. to work together to make this happen. Media reports that a proposal to throw out the ban on commercial whaling was discussed at the meeting of International Whaling Commission currently underway at St. Pete's Beach, Florida. A vote to resume commercial whaling could take place at the IWC Annual General Meeting in Morocco in June.

The U.S. delegation to the IWC, hand-picked by President Obama, has given no commitment to vote against the resumption of commercial whaling. Refusal to stand up against the resumption of commercial whaling would be a total betrayal of the President’s commitment to us.

Greenpeace is mounting a massive effort to protect the whales and we need your most generous support - please donate now. This is the most serious threat to the moratorium on commercial whaling that we've seen since Greenpeace fought for and won the moratorium in the 1980's.

If President Obama is serious about his commitment to protecting whales, he must make sure his delegation opposes any deal that would legitimize commercial whaling. The president and his representatives at the IWC should instead support a proposal recently made by Australia, which would leave the moratorium intact and finally put an end to Japan's bogus “scientific” whaling in the Southern Ocean.

We cannot reward the illegal actions of countries like Japan, Norway and Iceland by legalizing hunting - that's not a compromise; it's giving in for political expediency.

Your gift of any amount will help - $5 or $500 - whatever you can afford will enable Greenpeace to continue what we've successfully done for over 30 years - save the whales. Please donate now.

Thank you, on behalf of the whales,
John Hocevar
Oceans Campaign Director

P.S. Thank you so much to the hundreds of you who have already given. Now I urge you to go one step further, forward this message to your friends and ask them to take action too there is power in numbers!

Please Donate

702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001 | 1-800-326-0959

Greenpeace Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(4) organization. As a result of our effective work for new environmental policies, contributions are not tax-deductible.

I Got A Kick Out Of This Performance.

I Got A Kick Out Of This Performance. Isn't she weird and cute at the same time. Singing Aretha Franklin "Think"!

Almond Milk & Steel Cut Oats for Breakfast

WOW! I bought this new milk from Silk, it's ALMOND milk.
I now have Soy, Rice and Almond Milk to chose from for various dishes. This milk is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. Here is a link to their website so you can learn more about it. I bought the Vanilla Flavored only because my store did NOT have the plain one, something I hope they will remedy soon!!!

Anyway I used it for the first time today to make a creamy and crunchy breakfast. I used Steel Cut Oats (have more tooth after cooking) about 1/3 cup, 1 cup of almond milk, I added a pinch of salt and about a tablespoon of raw sugar that I store in a jar with used up vanilla beans. (after I use the beans I don't throw them away, I place them in a jar and add sugar, it makes a great vanilla flavored sugar that can be used per tabls in baking and as I did here in breakfasts.)

I brought the almond milk to a boil and then simmered the oats and milk for about 20 minutes string frequently. After t he oats are cooked i add about a 1/3 cup of shredded wheat stir it all up and it's ready to serve. About 1/2 a cup with some fruit will fill you up nicely. No dairy and it's just as rich tasting and creamy as you would not imagine.
Try it You'll ENJOY!

The misinformation and Nutritional INSANITY is taking to a new level.

This move borders on criminal. If we ever make a dent in the continuing Obesity problem and growing health problems in the United States, it certainly isn't by promoting the consumption of more fast, processed foods high in animals protein.
As a matter of fact, this is in my opinion criminal. Considering how we regulated tobacco (for good reasons) yet tobacco consumption was less a cause of illness disease and premature death, then the combined health damage that is being done by what many refer to as food.

Just because it tastes good and people WANT to eat it, does not make if nutrition or healthy.

This is irresponsible. It's once again all about MONEY and Greed and the power of the unhealthy food lobby. Dressing up junk as healthy. They could just as well hand cigarettes to people with a label saying approved by the American Heart Association it's that big of a lie! Weight Watchers should be ashamed!!!

They are selling their clients down the river just to get more clients. What sounds better to an obese person then the idea that they will lose weight and still can eat junk food like McDonald. That will bring WW a new line of clients. They don't seem to care about the long term effects.

Anger over Weight Watchers' endorsement of McDonald's

• 'Diet-friendly' menu to roll out in New Zealand
• Nutritionists says tie-up does not promote healthy eating

Anger over Weight Watchers' endorsement of McDonald's

• 'Diet-friendly' menu to roll out in New Zealand
• Nutritionists says tie-up does not promote healthy eating


Weight Watchers has defended putting its logo on several McDonald's products. Photograph: Jeff Roberson/AP

McDonald's is hardly an ideal dining location for anyone struggling to stay slim. But the fast food chain scored a PR coup today when Weight Watchers agreed to endorse some of its products in New Zealand – a move met with outrage by nutritionists and obesity experts.

As part of the deal, which the company says is the first of its kind in the world, McDonald's will use the Weight Watchers logo on its menu boards and Weight Watchers will promote McDonald's to dieters.

The link-up is the fast-food chain's latest attempt to improve its reputation by securing endorsements. In January, to the horror of gastronomes, Italy's agriculture minister, Luca Zaia, helped launch the McItaly range of burgers. For a representative of one of the world's greatest culinary nations to do such a thing was "a sign of the moral bankruptcy of Silvio Berlusconi's government", wrote Matthew Fort in the Guardian.

Several items on the fast food giant's menu – the Filet-O-Fish, Chicken McNuggets and Sweet Chilli Seared Chicken Wrap – have been approved for the Weight Watchers diet in McDonald's 150 New Zealand restaurants. Each meal is worth 6.5 points on the programme, which assigns points to food items and allows dieters to consume 18 to 40 points each day to achieve their goal weight.