Sunday, February 24, 2013

Doing Good ...How and Where... get a start

I know when we do something good and selfless, to help or save a Human or Animal in need it does more good for us. In my experience we get back more then we put in. Doing good should become an addiction. There are tons of ways to do good. Pick one. Mine is helping animal and bringing awareness to help all animals. One ways you can immediate get a jolt of "feel good" and light feeling in your heart, is by taken the step to becomes Vegan. Immediately you realize your action are now contributing to GOOD every day. You shop more aware, when you eat you feel joy, other than merely please of the palette, you feel joy of the heart as well. You start to learn so much and your actions on a daily bases effect so many animals and humans alike. Vegansism is about going good through actions. Also please spay and neuter your pets. Too many pups to many kittens add to the suffering. THANK YOU!

Just Give

Georgia Horse Rescue

 Go Vegan With Sarah Kramer