Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I am elated!

I feel elated! I had ordered some vegan products and they arrived today.
A baking mix from "The Cravings Place", Primal Beef Jerky Texas BBQ (Without the Beef), and a Vegan baking Recipes Book. I feel like a kid in a vegan candy store.

Since I was ready for a snack, I immediately opened one of the beef jerky's. I have to say they are awesome. Very very good. I had beef jerky before and these vegan ones are BETTER! I am saying this without prejudice. They really are. There is no funky stuff to spit out, only one gram of fat per jerky and 10 grams of vegetable protein, no MSG really you feel like you had a very healthy snack and you did. You don't have to lose your teeth neither to eat them and yet they have a very jerky beef like texture... How do they do that???
I shall hand them out to my friends. They will definitely become a staple in my house.

The All Purpose Pancake Batter & Waffle mix will be tried out soon. I ordered six 23 oz packs of the batter, enough to share with a friend. What's great about it is that while it is certified Vegan it is also great for folks with gluten, casein, lactose, egg allergies, and people with celiac disease. I will give a pack to a friend of mine who struggles with bouts of gout and other joint pains usually after eating meat, bacon, eggs and certain breads and pastries and after drinking any alcohol. I think he'll enjoy having some pancakes and hopefully won't get the joint pain attacks.

Since I went all out vegan I have been transforming some of my favorite recipes to vegan and I am always on the lookout for good foods including snacks that also provide vegetable protein.

The other day I baked Cinnamon Rolls. I have been pretty famous among friends for my super Cinnamon rolls. However I used to use butter, eggs and milk. So now my challenge was to get them good without butter, eggs, and milk.

Well let me relive the suspense. My hand on my heart... they turned out fantastic.
Actually if I had said anyhting nobody would have noticed a difference.
Here is a picture of these yummy rolls. I make a yeast dough as normally, substitute the eggs with 2 Tbs of flax seed egg replacer (Grind 1 tbsp flaxseed [use 2 1/2 tbsp pre-ground flaxseeds] combine with 3 tablespoons of water to replace one egg. Make sure that the mixture has gelled before using it. Some people recommend simmering the two items together to thicken this mix.) for more egg replacing suggestions click here

Instead of butter I use vegetable oil or vegan margarine, I still use regular refined sugar (oh my :-) I use Silk instead of milk. After letting the dough rise twice, I roll I out and spread more oil or vegan margarine, nuts ( don't have to) generous cinnamon, sugar, Roll it all up. Cut them in to 1.5 inch pieces, set them upside down in to a baking form, pour over that a half a cup of silk soy milk, shred some dark "no milk" chocolate, sprinkle over rolls (can omit). Let them rise again for about 30 to 40 minutes, bake them in 375 oven for about 25 minutes. You may decorate them with powder sugar water mixture frosting.

The book I bought is:
The 100 Best VEGAN Baking Recipes.
Can't wait to try some of them.

Go Vegan... it's so exciting, refreshing, non violent and healthy!

The depths of Human Depravity

The depths of Human Depravity

Celebrity chef Beppe Bigazzi upsets viewers with his cat casserole

When you read the story following the link above is basically about a cook who suggested cat stew on a Television cooking show.
While it is of course unthinkable for most feeling humans that we start to eat our pets, the article talks about the historical facts like during hart times people in the region ate cats. All this is well and good and anyone who knows me by now knows that I have become a vegan for moral and for health reasons in 2008. I have since reversed my high cholesterol, I have no more heart palpitations, no more swollen hurting feet, I increased my good cholesterol to what my Dr. Office calls "Marvelous" my blood pressure is that of a 20 year old, I have lost weight and totally reversed my digestive problems I had my whole life. God has blessed me because I am doing the right thing when it comes to my nourishment for my body and respect for his creation, so now he blessed me with good health. I thank God for that.

Since I've become Vegan I share all that it has done for me with people, if they want to listen. I have learned that most people do not want to hear that if they omit animal products they can reverse many of the health problems they have and prevent them if they start early.

I have come to the conclusion that right now, people would rather be or get sick then forgo animal protein consumption. They still hope for miracle cures from drug companies, no matter how many side effects those drugs may possess. Just give me something that I can take, so I do not have to change how and what I eat. People are not ready. It seems things have to get worse before they can get better. It makes me sad, for people but more so for animals because they certainly don't ask for the rotten deal they get. Humans on the other hand have the power to decide what to put in and on to their bodies.

More on the dangerous effect to our health presented by consuming animal protein will be featured in a film by Dr. Colin T. Campbell this summer. This will be ground breaking, a message that is simple but will not be welcomed by those who profit from what makes us sick and those that profit from promising to make us well again. God has a plan and the day will come where we will look back at all the terrible disease that plagued us and wonder what took us so long. But that day will only come if we are willing to listen and learn and be silent long enough to hear the message and then change our ways. The day we start listening to God, God will listen to us.

Back to the article about eating cats.
What is as disturbing to me than the article itself, is the heartless, ignorant and plain stupid comments, some people leave below the article.
Individuals who reduce important issues to clever one liners. Obviously padding themselves on the back for being so clever and crude, Uncaring, heartless, selfish, ignorant and mean.

Is this what we live next too? Is this my neighbor. Is this someone that if I see them in distress on the side of the road I should lend a hand? Are these the same people going to Church every Sunday? Who are these people??? I am trying so hard to give people the benefit of the doubt, trying to believe that humanity is evolving to be better people, kinder to all living creatures, I am trying to believe that Christians are going to extend the kindness they extend to humans eventually also to our fellow earthlings and God's creations the animals as St. Francis of Assisi, but when I read comments like these I say where are the people of good will?

We are all supposed to be brothers and sister but yet there seems to be an alien species walking among us. One that has a stone where "Humans" have a heart.
They can not be humans. I do not want to believe that humans can truly be so callous!

Here are some of the comments: The first one is typical for someone with a one track mind who probably can't walk and chew gum at the same time. As if protecting both unborn babies and protecting animals can't be done at the same time. All life is sacred ! Thank God for a few people speaking on behalf of the poor animals.

Roger Bannister wrote:
Let me guess... protect the cats but abort the humans.
February 17, 2010 2:14 PM GMT on

R T wrote:
So, which do you prefer ?

Kentucky Fried Cat
Kentucky Fried Chicken
February 17, 2010 1:34 PM GMT on

Andrew Thomas wrote:
Luca Lieghio wrote: "Having lived in both China and Vietnam I have eaten dog and, less often,cat.Its nothing special.These animals aren't pets,they are farmed for food."

Luca, you obviously no idea how cruelly these dogs and cats are killed. They are slowly hanged until dead through suffocation as it is believed it makes the meat more tender. If you want to condone inhumane cruelty, continue eating dog and cat. If not, then shut up.
February 17, 2010 1:33 PM GMT on

Frank Moss wrote:
He's welcome to come & try to get my cat; after his attempt, I'll be eating "long pig." It's all just meat, right?
February 17, 2010 1:29 PM GMT on

Karl Bird wrote:
I'd eat it, it's just another animal. Why no huge uproar every time he recommends a beef, chicken or pork dish? Give me one good reason why cats or dogs shouldn't be farmed as livestock.
February 17, 2010 1:23 PM GMT on

Nicholas Halsey wrote:
A lot of people seem to be very dogmatic about this mans culinary catastrophy
February 17, 2010 1:23 PM GMT on

Peter Fone wrote:
Didnt think it would take long before someone starts blaming the poor old moggy for the reduction of wild birds!
Look in the mirror, the biggest reason is human, in urban areas we have taken away any decent nesting & feeding areas with out fenced, not hedged gardens, smaller gardens in new developments & concreting over gardens for hard standing for cars.
Yep, we kill more than cats!
February 17, 2010 1:11 PM GMT on

imran khan wrote:
Big Deal, all this fuss over cats

Surely more important issues exist.

I wish I could cook my neighbours cat, at least it would prevent the constant mess it makes in my garden
February 17, 2010 1:07 PM GMT on

Kevin Flanagan wrote:
Served with catfish and catmint catkins in a cat's cradle of catnip ketchup.

Dectora Ryan wrote:
I must admit to hesitation about cat ( I am very fond of my cat). I have eaten dog (quite nice), donkey( much better), horse (really very good) and camel (say no more).
February 16, 2010 5:06 PM GMT on
Recommend? (11)

Not all human food animals are herbivores. Pigs are omnivores like us and are often fed with food derived from other mamalian species. And of course most fish are carnivores or omnivores.
February 16, 2010 5:00 PM GMT on
Recommend? (8)

P V wrote:
Ah, cat!
It makes the purrfect meal with a catnip garnish...and Chianti.
February 16, 2010 4:38 PM GMT on
Recommend? (16)

Jo Boxer wrote:
"Why can we eat lambs but not cats?"

We've somehow evolved to eat the flesh of animals who don't eat flesh themselves. In many cultures it's taboo to eat cats and dogs but it's open season for non-carnivorous creatures!
February 16, 2010 4:38 PM GMT on
Recommend? (7)

Paul Reeve wrote:
I see nothing fundamentally wrong in eating cat . Cat au Merangue would be a typical example of how seefarers of old would have put their pussies to good culinary use . Indeed, a class of vessel came to be named after this succulent dish.
February 16, 2010 4:29 PM GMT on
Recommend? (10)

Seymour Likely wrote:
They were selling cat at the restaurant next door to the theatre last Christmas.
I saw it on the A board outside: "Puss in Boots"!
February 16, 2010 4:26 PM GMT on
Recommend? (12)

Peter Cressall wrote:
Donald Heath: have you ever tried cat with mint sauce?
February 16, 2010 4:21 PM GMT on
Recommend? (4)

Luke Slikely wrote:
I'm SURE my local Chinese & Indian takeaways have been using cats for years!
There's a Burmuda Triangle round here, where a week doesn't go by without a lamp post ad for a "Missing Cat".

The immigrants were nicking ducks and swans from the canal at one point too. They look upon it as FREE FOOD.
February 16, 2010 4:20 PM GMT on
Recommend? (33)

K Jordan wrote:
I'm a vegetarian and obviously outraged by his comments but putting that aside; human beings only eat herbivores, i'm not sure if that is because eating carnivores would cause us health problems or if we just think that any animal (apart from ourselves of course!) that eats another animal is disgusting but cats eat mice and rats - think about it!
February 16, 2010 4:13 PM GMT on
Recommend? (7)

Marco Piva wrote:
Horse meat is indeed delicious - and a very "normal" dish in the Italian cuisine. Cat can not be served (in the Vicenza area they serve rabbit calling it in suggestive ways) - and I still can not understand why.
February 16, 2010 4:02 PM GMT on
Recommend? (5)

If you want to read more depraved comments go to the article

If we continue to eat flesh and consume animal protein, it will be our downfall for numerous reasons. Genetic degeneration (has already began), sickness (increasing), chronic disease (kills more flesh eating people, then any other cause and is preventable) the result is needless suffering, earlier death and genetically inferior new generations.

Those that do not change their ways will not be able to invoke God in to their lives, not until they live up to his expectations.

Eight out of 10 men and nearly seven out of 10 women in England will be too fat by 2020, according to new data released Wednesday.

Researchers said that while recent research showed obesity among children levelling off, instances among adults show no sign of doing the same.

Some 41 percent of men aged 20 to 65 will be obese by 2020, with 40 percent overweight, according to the figures from the National Heart Forum, based on data from the Health Survey for England. That makes a total of 81 percent.

Among women, 36 percent will be obese and 32 percent overweight -- a total of 68 percent.

By 2050, this will lead to sharp increases in the number of people suffering strokes, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes, researchers said.

"These trends demonstrate that the cautiously optimistic picture we presented in November 2009 for a levelling off of future obesity rates among children is not mirrored in adults," said Professor Klim McPherson of Oxford University, who also chairs the National Heart Forum.

"There are already more men who are obese than who are of a healthy weight and by the end of the decade, obese men and women could out-number those who are overweight."

Britons were "being overwhelmed by the effects of today's 'obesogenic' environment, with its abundance of energy-dense food and sedentary lifestyles," he added.

The research used figures from 1993 to 2007 to predict future obesity levels in England.