Showdown on the Killing Grounds
Sea Shepherd Operation Musashi
Update from the Ross Sea
February 6th, 2009, 0130 Hours (Sydney Time)
February 5th, 2009, 1630 Hours (PST)
76 Degrees 01 Minutes South and 164 Degrees 57 Minutes West
A cameraman from the Sea Shepherd helicopter Kookaburra videotaped the harpooning and shooting of a Minke whale at 1045 Hours.
The whale took 25 minutes to die after being struck with a harpoon and receiving 7 shots from a high powered rifle. The sea was full of blood.
Everywhere I turn there are people killing innocent animals, great animals, live that is full of wonder and miracles, it's being killed for humans consumption.
I am so sick in my heart I don't even know how to express it.
I have lost faith in humans. These action are straight out of hell.
(The more I know humans, the more I love animals)