Crimes Against God!
Every living being wants to live and wants to be free, wants to escape pain, needs to eat and needs to drink.
Beyond that it seeks companionship with it's own kind.
Those are the basic needs of all living beings.
Here are some pictures of of the opposite of freedom.
Pictures of animal slavery and torture that goes against nature and therefore against God.

Please help to stop Animals Torture
This is a still image slide show of images of animal in their natural habitat as they live in peace and harmony and in contract some images show their suffering by human hands. May be disturbing for some more for others. But no sounds and no live video. It's important to witness at least to a certain extent the suffering of these animal. If you are watching this to get your kicks because you enjoy suffering, I can tell you that I am hereby putting a curse on you and you will die a slow and painful death. Remember this when the time comes.
Wild Animals instinctively run when men approaches. Because animals instinctively know that men is evil! Domesticated animals have learned to trust at their peril! We make them trust us and then destroy them. We are corrupt cowardice monsters, risen from the darkness and deepest depths of hell.
The following is a graphic video of live skinning of animals.
Pledge to go fur-free at PETA.org.
Please help to stop Animals Torture