It's too sad. Horses are magnificent animals and I love them with the most profound love possible. My whole life I have been spiritually connected to Horses and the abuse of them has saddened and frustrated me my whole life.
Let us not forget in light of this story that thousands of horses are abused and tortured every day. Most of the public and the media never reports and the daily horse slaughter that is still performed in many countries but especially in Canada and Mexico.
This slaughter is the most barbaric practice done to a creature that has done so much for humanity! Instead of erecting a monument to their greatness we thank them with abuse and torture. Because people in France and Japan and now in the US want to eat Horse meat.
It is impossible to kill a horse humanely for human consumption. The only halfway humane killing is a lethal injection done in a known environment to the horse to avoid panic. Of course using drugs intravenously or subcutaneously or intramuscular will make the meat unusable for human consumption.
The bottom line is just as you would not think of eating your dog or cat, you should not think of eating a horse. Just because horses are big does not mean we have to eat them. Learn just how sensitive and intelligent they are. Their greatness and what they have contributed to human civilisation should give them a time honored place in our world.
Without getting in to details, Horses saved my life. I was a troubled youths and when I got involved with horses I found unconditional Love affection and when I grew close to "my" horse he became my "Friend" I would have rather cut my arm off then lead him to slaughter. This was many years ago.
Please learn how horses are used in therapy and how many kids gain confidence and trust when they are exposed to horses and interact with them. Horses were given to us by God for us to heal and learn, in so many ways. But many of us are blind! What we do to them is a slap in the face of God!
Horses are VERY sensitive and head shy. Trying to kill them with bolts to the head is almost impossible. In Mexico they use knifes and shuttle the Horses through narrow shoots and then try to stab them in the back to try to severe their spinal courts.
Needless to say they often have to keep stabbing, inflicting unimaginable pain, panic utter torture. This goes on every day. But nobody seems to care. Sometimes they cut their legs off by the knees to immobilise them where they slowly bleed to death, in fear, alone and in unimaginable pain. These are horses that someone once owned now an unscrupulous horse dealer sell to the meat market, often telling the owners they'll be send to a pasture. Humans can be so mean, cruel and without conscience.
When it comes to the Horse meat industry you'll find some of the worst humans of all.
Being a flight animals trying to demobilise a Horse without sedation is torture in itself. The horse will fight , kick and try to get away and hurt themselves in the process.
Million of people don't give it a thought.
Now this story make people cry. I cry every day for all the horses that suffer terrible for human selfishness.
I cry every day over all of this. I have to make myself forget it sometimes otherwise I would go insane.
If you really care about horses, please learn about what I have written here and get involved. Call or write to your politicians to let them know that you want them to protect horses and not allow them to become a food for consumption which will only lead to mass torture in barbaric slaughter houses. HORSES CAN NOT be slaughtered humanely! That's the bottom line!
Some people say what is the owner of a horse to do when he does not want that horse anymore?
It cost about $200 dollars to euthanize a horse... that is whet the owner should do. I've been around horse for a large part of my life and my teacher in horsemanship would have rather gone hungry then to send his or any of his horses to slaughter. So would I. If you just put a few dollars aside every week, but the time your so called Friend and partner in riding is too old or sick, or you just outgrown him, if you cant' find a good home for him or her please let him leave this earth in some dignity, painless in the place he knows in peace.
Please pay for a vet to euthanize your "Friend"! Don't sell them to those that ship them off to be butchered. From the day they are sold to the moment they finally die they suffer unconscionably, maybe wondering "WHY"! What have I done to deserve THIS?
If you can't find a couple of hundred dollars what are you doing with a horse to begin with? People make excuses. Selfishness is the downfall of humanity!
So shall we come to look at the world with new eyes. It shall answer the endless inquiry of the intellect, — What is truth? and of the affections, — What is good? by yielding itself passive to the educated Will. ... Build, therefore, your own world. As fast as you conform your life to the pure idea in your mind, that will unfold its great proportions. A correspondent revolution in things will attend the influx of the spirit. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson