Sunday, July 29, 2012

Find Your Inner God Power and Embrace Nonviolence!

The bible was written and edited by a handful of powerful PEOPLE. I question their motives. Much of what was first written came about at a time when most people were illiterate. The words in this book can not be trusted. Translation after translation leads to misrepresentation! It's the biggest brain washing scam in the history of mankind that has been the catalyst for all the “ism” then and now. I have a thought that even the Church in Rome KNOWS THIS.

EVOLVEing must include the rejection of violence and oppression of all kind, starting with the violence promoted by religions. If you want to be close to God look inside yourself and listen to your heart! The God power is the genius that embodies all the knowledge, that is in you at the time of your birth. You hear the message every day. When you see suffering and you feel moved to tears, that is the God power within you. You don’t need a book, or a Church,  the knowledge lives in your heart and your brain and body is your Church.

If you see something that makes you feel very, very bad, so bad that you want to look away and pretend it does not exist, don’t look away but instead reject violence and act according to what your heart tells you. All hearts are vessels of Love but  corrupted societies over millennia, have been able to mislead the hearts of mankind. There is time to change and take the loving kind and compassionate path.

A true loving God will never tell you it’s OK to kill, neither a person nor an animal, nor a baby born or unborn. EMPATHY (the ability to feel the other’s pain and suffering) is a gift from the God power, given through the miracle of nature and life by birth. Don't stomp on your own heart because of a book. Society has been led astray,  don’t trust what Churches give you permission to do.  Be the change you want to see. If you want to see a non violent, peaceful world start with yourself. Find your inner God and live a life of nonviolence. Go Vegan!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Georgia Aquarium's Shameful New Show

"Try to imagine living in the same cramped place for the rest of your life," writes Jen. "Animals who are genetically designed to swim the vast oceans are no more able to adjust to lifelong captivity than we are. That's why prison is considered society's harshest punishment."
Georgia Aquarium the most disgusting exploit in Georgia! Greedy money whores are using the idea of Conservationism to exploit animals, take them out of their natural environment and for no other reason then MONEY! Shame on Georgia. When this aquarium was built, they played it all up in the media s some great conservationist venture. People fall for it, without understanding the true natural behavior of these animals. It's a disgusting exploitation facility. I urge consciences people that love animals not to buy tickets. show your Love for animal by not participating in these exploits!!!