Friday, June 19, 2009

This is ridicolous and Hypocritical

The FDA is going after a cereal company in the name of protecting consumers and their health. That is such a crock, it's hypocritical. There are much more important food issues to be addresses if they really wanted to protect consumers.

How about pulling all meat and milk off the shelves until there is no contamination in it anymore.
Hormones, chemicals and toxins. Not to mention the animal abuses of the whole industry.

Instead they are advertised in schools with life size posters that are implying that drinking milk is a must to your health. They push this toxic stuff on children by using celebrities. Children are suffering from many food born allergies, how much can be contributed to dairy? But our government forces children to take drugs like Ritalin and continue to push milk and inferior meat on them in school lunch programs. I don't see any actions by the FDA on that.

Where is the outrage by the public?
This is not about protecting the consumer.
Whats next, herbs. I will have to go to a doctor to get a prescription for Chamomile Tea?
If I keep a blog on natural remedies, and state that Chamomile tea can calm nerves and help you sleep, will the government come after me and accuse me of having an illegal medical practice.

Peoples of the world especially the Chinese have for thousands of years relied on nature and it's remedies to heal to prevent disease. To go after a cereal maker because they claim the cereal can lower cholesterol is no different then going after a natural remedy store for selling herbs that claim various properties. I am very much in to natural remedies and love to buy them, without having to go through government or Doctors to ask for permission.

I have done so my whole life, I grow herbs myself. What about those sellers on ETSY that sell soaps and lotions with natural remedy ingredients, will they be targeted next as selling drugs and thus have to be regulated? What ever happened to allowing people to make choices. I don't trust any government enough to tell me the truth, why should they know what's good for me and what's not. In any case they still push dairy and meat which shows how little they know.

This is a very bad sign folks.

I don't like what I am seeing at all!!!

A cereal is top priority! GIVE ME A BREAK!

It's backwards.


FDA Takes Cheerios to Task for Boastful Labels
The Food and Drug Administration is going after exaggerated labeling in the food industry, targeting America's most popular cereal with an enforcement action over its health claims that the government says "cause it to be a drug."

"We try to make a bright line here between what can be said about a drug and what can be said about a food," said Dr. Sundlof. He said a more general claim about reduction in heart-disease risk from eating whole-grain foods may be permissible as long as specific language is used.
The FDA also took issue with a company-sponsored Web site mentioned on the Cheerios box. The Web site discusses the benefits of eating whole grains, but the FDA said some of the health claims about reducing cancer and heart-disease risk don't comply with agency rules.
The FDA said General Mills must "promptly" correct the violations outlined in the letter or the agency could take enforcement action, such as seizing products.
Dr. Sundlof said the FDA's review of Cheerios was prompted by a September 2008 letter from the National Consumers League that expressed concerns about the labeling on Cheerios.