Friday, December 4, 2009

How can anyone, any nation do this to thousands of Dolphins.????????????????
This is so without honor, so without compassion, this is so wrong!

They are not killed to feed the starving masses but rather to sell the meat as a delicatessen often labeled as whale meat. This is bloody corruption and greed and pure evil!

Watch an episode of Flipper if you are not familiar with it. The man who trained this dolphin "Flipper" is today fighting a battle against the brutal, cruel and merciless slaughter of thousands of Dolphins every year in Japan! A secret event the Japanese government has been trying to hide from the world, and many Japanese don't even know about. Please watch this episode and then think of this wonderful docile animal and ask yourself, "Why must we the human race, kill and torture such a magnificent creature. Become involved and help to stop this!"\
The footage of the dolphin slaughter you filmed in The Cove is pretty staggering. Has anyone else seen it yet?
The world will see it Sunday, at Sundance. Even the Japanese don’t know about this. I went onto the street in Tokyo, and I showed the footage to a hundred people walking down the sidewalk, and none of them knew this was happening. That’s the only hope, to expose this to the world. It won’t be easy. The film will probably be banned in Japan. I’m hoping Jim Clark, who is our partner on this, can figure out a way to get it seen there. If he can invent Netscape, he can figure that out, as well. In the meantime, we also have our website,, where people can learn more about this issue.

Sea of blood as Japan slaughters thousands of dolphins

Every year, thousands of dolphins are herded into a tranquil cove in Japan where some are captured for sale to marine parks, the rest slaughtered for their meat.
By Mick Brown
Published: 9:30AM BST 03 Oct 2009

Red sea in Taiji cove; Sea of blood as Japan slaughters thousands of dolphins

The picturesque cove at Taiji which becomes a bloodbath between September and March each year as 2,000 dolphins are slaughtered

Despite the efforts of the Japanese authorities to keep it hidden, the massacre has been captured on film by a guerrilla documentary team led by the man who trained Flipper.
Until now, the yearly slaughter of 2,000 dolphins in a small town in Japan has been one of the country's most shameful secrets. But The Cove – a new documentary shot in the style of an espionage thriller – is about to change all that. The film follows the attempts of an American documentary team to penetrate the veil of secrecy surrounding the annual dolphin 'drive' in the fishing town of Taiji.

Read full article

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mass Animal Sacrifice... WHY??? Nepal of all places.

Yesterday I watched again "Earthlings" just to remind me why I have decided to become a vegetarian/vegan I decided to do that in July of 2008. It is the one thing I must do to somehow try to make a difference but more importantly, I must do for my own salvation!

When I talk to others about why I made this decision I began to realize that it is almost impossible to get most people to just open their minds and hearts to the issue of animals abuse,of how animals fit in to this world and how we must rethink our responsibilities to them and really think in deeper way about it.

I have been rather sad about it and have to tell myslef, that the only control I have is that over my own actions. I wish for a miracle that makes people see animals in a new light, one that does not consider them object to use for various purposes, many include killing. I wish for a miracle that will make people realize that indeed one can live without consuming animal products, that furthermore one can live "better" without consuming animal products. A knowledge that is very liberating, to know that i must not shed blood in order to survive, at least not in this day and age of plenty!

I wish for a miracle to have the big light bulb come on in everyone heads and hearts. Just as it came on in my head and heart. A revelation of truth that goes beyond the common knowledge.

I wish for this miracle. My heart is heavy. I wish for it not just for the animals and myslef but for those that are still partaking in one way or another in the brutishness of humanity, the enslavement of the weak.system of specicism.

So today there is more news about how we humans use animals for our various purposes, this time the story comes from Nepal and Animals sacrifice to Gods that may or may not exit,may or may not condone such sacrifice. But it doesn't matter, it's excused as a tradition! What a horrific tradition so senseless, so useless.

November 3, 2009
Animal activists outraged by Nepal’s plans for mass animal sacrifice

Plans to sacrifice more than 500,000 animals during a two-day religious festival in Nepal this month have met with the wrath of animal rights activists, who have called for the 300-year-old ritual to be banned.

Every five years the tiny village of Bariyapur near Nepal’s southern border with India is swamped with blood as hundreds of thousands of Hindu devotees flock to the local temple to take part in what is thought to be the world’s biggest ritual slaughter.

This year it is expected that about 500,000 animals, including about 25,000 buffaloes, will be offered to Gadhimai, a Hindu goddess, by devotees who hope she will answer their prayers in return. Proceedings begin with the sacrifice of two wild rats, a cockerel, a pig, a goat and a lamb.

Supporters of the Gadhimai Fair say there is no question of them departing from a centuries-old tradition. Devotees can then bring their animals into the temple for ritual purification before taking them into the grounds where the beasts’ throats are slit. CONTINUE


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Power Plants Turn to Burning Wood

That can't be good. The last thing we need is more deforestation.
Forests are not easily renewed. Depending on the tree type it can can decades for them to grow back.

I rather have them burn coal.

Wood making comeback as power source

...Many plants now burn bark, twigs and other waste wood. If wood power grows as expected, whole trees will have to be cut down to fuel the plants, says Pete Stewart of Forest2Market, a forest-industry analysis firm.

Plants have promised to use waste wood, but "as soon as they get their permit and see how much it's going to cost to do that, they change their tune," he says. Stewart says it is generally more expensive to build a wood-burning plant than one powered by coal or natural gas.

Some environmentalists fear that the rise of wood power could devastate forests.

As the industry expands, "it's going to move quickly from waste wood to wood chips," says Scot Quaranda of the Dogwood Alliance, a forest-protection group. That would lead to "more large-scale clear-cutting, more conversion of natural forest to plantations and more endangered forests being logged," he says.

Bob Cleaves of the Biomass Power Association, an industry group, says that current laws and policies are sufficient to protect the environment.

Examples of the growth of this back-to-the-future fuel:

• A Tacoma, Wash., plant that opened in August burns leftovers from a neighboring paper mill. The power plant "takes advantage of a resource … that's being created anyway," says Paul Copleman of Iberdrola Renewables, which oversees delivery of the power to Sacramento.

• An Alexandria, N.H., plant reopened in January after being idle for 14 years. It sends its power throughout New England.

• A plant in Kenansville, N.C., was converted from burning coal to burning wood. It reopened in 2009 and sells its power to one of the state's largest utilities.

• A Snowflake, Ariz., plant burns dead trees from a nearby national forest to make power. "There are a lot of forests that need to be trimmed to protect them from wildfire," says plant manager Garry Stevens, and it "makes sense" to burn the trees weeded out.

Wood is especially attractive as a renewable fuel in the South, says Cleaves. Southern states lack ample sun or wind power, but they have broad stretches of forest and many paper and timber mills that generate waste wood.

Another plus: wood-burning boilers can churn out a steady supply of electricity. Solar power is only made when the sun shines, and windmills turn only when the wind blows.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Honey Bee Decline Caused by Elecrtro Magnetic Radiation

Mobile towers threatening honey bees in Kerala

Thiruvananthapuram, Aug 31 (PTI)
Mobile towers are posing a threat to honey bees in Kerala withe electromagnetic radiation from mobile towers and cell phones having the potential to kill worker bees that go out to collect nectar from flowers, says a study.

A plunge in beehive population has been reported from different parts of Kerala and if measures are not taken to check mushrooming of mobile powers, bees could be wiped out from Kerala within a decade, environmentalist and Reader in Zoology, Dr Sainudeen Pattazhy says in his study.

In one of his experiments he found that when a mobile phone was kept near a beehive it resulted in collapse of the colony in five to 10 days, with the worker bees failing to return home, leaving the hives with just queens, eggs and hive-bound immature bees.

Top 25 things vanishing from America: #4 -- Honey Bees

We Need Bees' Help -- and They Need Ours
Why We Need to Save Our Bees

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

URGENT Action ALERT!!! Please help to identify who is murdering and dismembering Horses in South Florida

Anyone with information on who is killing these Horses please call your local authorities.
They suspect that who ever is doing this is selling the meat on the black market. Anyone who gets approached by someone wanting to sell Horse Flesh... please contact the authorities.

It's illegal to murder horses and it's illegal to sell the meat. Not to mention that the meat is toxic. Click link for the story.

Nitrites in cured meat could increase lung disease risk

The bottom line about Nitrate is that it is a dangerous additive in meat that can cause various types of cancer. People in the meat industry often say "Well there is nitrate in vegetables it's good for ya!"

That is the half truth. Yes Nitrate is naturally occurring in green vegetables, however the amount is so small that you would have to eat mountains of vegetables to get the same amount of nitrate young can get from eating few ounces of cured meat products.
People consume lots of cured meat without realizing the "Amount" of nitrate they consume.
So that is the difference.

Most everything in nature can be harmful if consumed too much. We defiantly eat too much meat and the meat industry is irresponsible, out of control and gives a "shi*" about the consumer. They would tell you the sky is green just to sell you more hot dogs!

Of course it is your prerogative to eat yourself to death but at least get the fact and Please don't indoctrinate children in to the same lies and doomed health conditions. I spend half of my life believing all the lies about how good meat is for you and milk and cheese. Only to finds out after stopping to eat those various products, that all my intestinal problems went away almost immediate.

Yes... they WENT AWAY! My whole life I suffered from indigestion, pain, constipation and bloating and skin problems. I was tested for all kinds of allergens at the Mayo Clinic In Mainz Germany nothing was found. Nobody not even doctors ever could help.

When I kept a food diary for trying to figure out if any food causes my problems, Meat and Milk Products never even were considered as a cause. One time when I was pretty sick I was tested for all kinds of illnesses, I got treaded for this and that and only got worse, Eventually almost by accident month in to my illness, the doctor tested for parasitic diseases, and I was diagnosed with Toxoplasmosis that I got from eating meat. At that point I was very sick, weak and could barely function and keep my eyes open. The disease made me terribly tired. I got treaded with drugs similar to what is used to treat malaria patients. Actually then I stopped eating meat for a while but as it goes, returned to the nasty habit because of peer pressure.

How many of our ailments and diseases are caused my poor diet, meat and milk products consumption. Doctors get very little education on diet and health, and even if they are reluctant to tell anyone what and how much to eat. Well doctors can't hardly tell anyone that they should lose some weight for fear of being sued just for pointing out someone is fat or sorry "Obese" is the political correct word. So Doctors aren't going to pint out just how bad it is that we gobble down all that meat, cheese and milk. No milk is supposed to be good for us. It's NOT TRUE...Neither is meat and especially cured meat.
How much are we lied to, for the sake of protecting this huge meat and milk industry? At least be honest with the people, I say, it's all about profit. Don't tell them that stuff is good for them, because it's not!
I have been cured of life long stomach and digestive problems as well as skin itching soon after I stopped consuming all that stuff at the age of 50, why did I not try if sooner? I was indoctrinated in to believing you can't go without eating meat and cheese and milk. Societal peer pressure. look how main stream media treads vegans, almost all reporting is always geared to make us look like freaks, or radicals. We are people like you and maybe everyone can learn something from us.

Gosh Hated milk when I was a kid and I was "Forced" to drink it, it made me gag even then and that should have been enough.. I grew up in the country in Germany and France. They laugh you out of the room if you don't eat meat. Come to think of it, meat eaters are really very intolerant and like to hate on vegans or vegetarians. Maybe they're afraid the truth will come out. Well some day it will. There will be a great eye opening and millions of people will ask why weren't' we told? Well honey the meat and pharma industries would stop masking huge profits. First they make you sick then they push their pills on you. That is how it works. I cured myself, without the help of any doctor, no medications just not eating meat , meat products, milk, cheese and even yogurt.

I am healthier and happier now. I recommend going vegan. It's never to late to start.

By Stephen Daniells, 18-Apr-2007
Related topics:
Science & Nutrition, Preservatives and acidulants
Days after English researchers proposed an equation to make the ultimate bacon buttie, a new study from the US has reported that frequent consumption of cured meats like bacon may increase the risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Consuming more than 14 or more
cured meat products per month was associated with a 93 per cent increase in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), report the authors in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. The nitrite content of cured meat has been proposed to be behind the observations.
Nitrites are added to meat to retard rancidity, stabilise flavour, and establish the characteristic pink colour of cured meat. Studies and recommendations by health and governmental organisations ensure the safety of such products.
An independent expert has said the implications of the research may be on our understanding on what causes
COPD beyond cigarette smoke.
COPD mainly affects smokers, and is the number four cause of death worldwide. It is characterised by chronic inflammation in the small airways of the lung and leads to excessive mucus production, excessive fibrous connective tissue development (fibrosis), and degradation of proteins (proteolysis). There is no cure.
Yet a reported 10 per cent of people who die from COPD are said to have never smoked in their lives, a statistic that suggests that other factors beyond smoking may play a role in the development of the disease.
The researchers, from Columbia University Medical Center in New York, used data from the third National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES) on 7,352 subjects (52 per cent female) over the age of 45, for which adequate information was available on lung function and dietary habits. The subject group was representative of the US population of that age.


No risk from nitrates in vegetables, says EFSA
By Staff Reporter, 06-Jun-2008

The European Food Safety Authority's (EFSA) Contaminants Panel (CONTAM) has found that the beneficial effects of eating vegetables and fruit outweigh potential risk to human health from exposure to nitrate through vegetables.
The Panel said that the average consumer eating approximately 400g of mixed vegetables and fruit per day would not exceed the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for nitrate.
Higher levels of nitrate tend to be found in leaves whereas lower levels occur in seeds or tubers. Thus leaf crops such as lettuce and spinach generally have higher nitrate concentrations.
The Panel noted that consumers eating more than 47 grams of rucola per day might already exceed the
ADI without taking into account any other sources of nitrate exposure.
EFSA said that consumption of rucola at this level on a daily basis is not likely to occur over a long period of time and therefore considers that exceeding the ADI on occasion would not represent a health concern.
Balanced diet
"Consumers should continue to eat their five portions of vegetables and fruit per day as they are essential for good health and could help to reduce the risk of certain diseases," a spokesperson for EFSA told
"The body of evidence in the report does not point to a cancer risk for the EU population in regard to nitrate concentrations in vegetables," he added.
Nitrate per se is relatively non-toxic, but its metabolites and reaction products such as nitrite, nitric oxide and N-nitroso compounds, have raised concern because of implications for adverse health effects such as methaemoglobinaemia and carcinogenesis, according to EFSA.


Nitrate and nitrite quantification from cured meat and vegetables and their estimated dietary intake in Australians

James Hsua, Jayashree Arcot, a, and N. Alice Leea
aFood Science and Technology, School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia

High dietary nitrate and nitrite intake may increase the risk of gastro-intestinal cancers due to the in vivo formation of carcinogenic chemicals known as N-nitroso compounds. Water and leafy vegetables are natural sources of dietary nitrate, whereas cured meats are the major sources of dietary nitrite. This paper describes a simple and fast analytical method for determining nitrate and nitrite contents in vegetables and meat, using reversed-phase HPLC-UV. The linearity R2 value was >0.998 for the anions. The limits of quantification for nitrite and nitrate were 5.0 and 2.5 mg/kg, respectively. This method is applicable for both leafy vegetable and meat samples. A range of vegetables was tested, which contained <23>

Human Cruelty Knows No Limits

I am giving up on most humans. They are not worth the air they breath.
How about putting them in a small container with only 12 hours of air to breath and see how they like it

Monday, July 20, 2009

Stimulus Money for Canned Pork & Cheese

Stimulating the slaughter of animals.

Contracts - Recipient Summary

Description of Work/Service performed

Product or Service Information (Award)
Product or Service Description MEAT, POULTRY, AND FISH


Contracts - Recipient Summary
Recipient Information (Award)
Recipient Name CLOUGHERTY PACKING, LLC Recipient Address 3049 E VERNON AVE
Recipient City LOS ANGELES Recipient State CALIFORNIA
Recipient Zip Code 90058-1800 Congressional District CALIFORNIA-34


Friday, June 19, 2009

This is ridicolous and Hypocritical

The FDA is going after a cereal company in the name of protecting consumers and their health. That is such a crock, it's hypocritical. There are much more important food issues to be addresses if they really wanted to protect consumers.

How about pulling all meat and milk off the shelves until there is no contamination in it anymore.
Hormones, chemicals and toxins. Not to mention the animal abuses of the whole industry.

Instead they are advertised in schools with life size posters that are implying that drinking milk is a must to your health. They push this toxic stuff on children by using celebrities. Children are suffering from many food born allergies, how much can be contributed to dairy? But our government forces children to take drugs like Ritalin and continue to push milk and inferior meat on them in school lunch programs. I don't see any actions by the FDA on that.

Where is the outrage by the public?
This is not about protecting the consumer.
Whats next, herbs. I will have to go to a doctor to get a prescription for Chamomile Tea?
If I keep a blog on natural remedies, and state that Chamomile tea can calm nerves and help you sleep, will the government come after me and accuse me of having an illegal medical practice.

Peoples of the world especially the Chinese have for thousands of years relied on nature and it's remedies to heal to prevent disease. To go after a cereal maker because they claim the cereal can lower cholesterol is no different then going after a natural remedy store for selling herbs that claim various properties. I am very much in to natural remedies and love to buy them, without having to go through government or Doctors to ask for permission.

I have done so my whole life, I grow herbs myself. What about those sellers on ETSY that sell soaps and lotions with natural remedy ingredients, will they be targeted next as selling drugs and thus have to be regulated? What ever happened to allowing people to make choices. I don't trust any government enough to tell me the truth, why should they know what's good for me and what's not. In any case they still push dairy and meat which shows how little they know.

This is a very bad sign folks.

I don't like what I am seeing at all!!!

A cereal is top priority! GIVE ME A BREAK!

It's backwards.


FDA Takes Cheerios to Task for Boastful Labels
The Food and Drug Administration is going after exaggerated labeling in the food industry, targeting America's most popular cereal with an enforcement action over its health claims that the government says "cause it to be a drug."

"We try to make a bright line here between what can be said about a drug and what can be said about a food," said Dr. Sundlof. He said a more general claim about reduction in heart-disease risk from eating whole-grain foods may be permissible as long as specific language is used.
The FDA also took issue with a company-sponsored Web site mentioned on the Cheerios box. The Web site discusses the benefits of eating whole grains, but the FDA said some of the health claims about reducing cancer and heart-disease risk don't comply with agency rules.
The FDA said General Mills must "promptly" correct the violations outlined in the letter or the agency could take enforcement action, such as seizing products.
Dr. Sundlof said the FDA's review of Cheerios was prompted by a September 2008 letter from the National Consumers League that expressed concerns about the labeling on Cheerios.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Arrest made In Cat Torture & Killings in Florida

Online postings led police to suspect in cat killings... but the punishment will not be enough! We are looking at the next Jeffrey Dahmer and we all should be very sickened by this teenagers actions. Are we? His name is Tyler Hayes Weinman and you better remember it! Lets say he has not been convicted yet! Lets be clear just because he look like a "nice boy" does not mean he is not capable. Something inside of him is broken!

Here is an excerpt from Dahmer's Story:

This young child had a morbid fascination with death. At the tender age of 10 he was already experimenting with dead animals. He would use acid to clean the meat off the bones and when asked about his bone collection he would reply, “I like the sound of them when I play with them”. His first dissection was that of a pig fetus in school. He also nailed a dog's carcass to a tree and put its head on a stake.

By the time he turned 17 his interest in dead animals was not enough to satisfy his lust for killing and he became obsessed by fantasies of killing and mutilating men. He also developed a necrophilia desire and what better way than to kill the object of his desire. After Jeffrey graduated from high school at the age of 17 his father left him alone to tend for himself. He took to drinking becoming a loner alcoholic. His step mother stated that he was usually a quiet well behaved child until he was drunk. Then he would become violent and uncontrollable.

Jeffrey's obsession to kill and necrophilia desire eventually overcame any reasonable thoughts he may have had. A perfect solution to finding his first victim occurred when he stumbled upon a hitchhiker in 1978. He picked up Stephen Hicks and took him to his home for a few social drinks. They were having a great time chatting, laughing and they had sex but when Stephen tried to leave he hit him over the head with a barbell, then to make sure he was dead he strangled him. To dispose of the body he dismembered it, smashing the bones with a hammer and buried it.

We better takes such acts seriously. The fact that a humans being that seems so "normal" can actually commit these acts and is not stopped by his/her own inner ability to feel an other's pain, is alarming. Most of us would not be able to go through with inflicting such pain to any living being. Our compassion and empathy would stop us.

When this barrier gets broken, and one can go through with such acts, an important part of what makes us humans has been broken. This is serious and many young people are getting desensitised to others feelings. We must pay attention and with prevention and consequences to the action of people like Dahmer or Weinman.

We must teach compassion for all living beings regardless of what it is. If someone loves dogs and says they hate cats we must teach them that these animal are different but equal. We must make them understand that loving one creature does not make it right to hate another that may be opposite of it. If young people persistently express their hate for certain animals we should pay attention and find out what is going on in their lives and intervene immediately. Maybe it would help to start thinking deeper as to how we live our lives in regards to animals. How we treat them and the hypocrisy of it all. We eat meat that we don't kill ourselves ... learn how the meat industry treats animal and ask yourself.... why do we expect children to grow up to be loving people if we allow and condone such cruelties behind thick walls.? If slaughter houses had glass wall we all be vegetarian... believe me!


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Must we?

$50M in stimulus will help fish farmers buy feed

OSAGE BEACH, Mo. (AP) — The United States is about to spend $50 million in stimulus money on fish food to help fish farmers who have been struggling since feed prices jumped 50 percent last year.
The money could provide algae to nourish clam and oyster larvae along the Pacific coast, fill the bellies of tilapia in Arizona and feed catfish, trout and gamefish in the Midwest and South.
Supporters say many fish farms are in already poor areas. They say the money will help keep the farms going and preserve jobs in areas hard hit by the recession and lacking other industries.
Much of the money is likely to end up in Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas — the nation's largest catfish producers. Catfish accounts for one-third of the nation's $1.4 billion aquaculture industry.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Evil Among us !!!

UPDATE:Officials: Arrests made in Miami-area cat deaths MIAMI (AP) - Officials in a Miami-area village say police have made arrests in a recent string of gruesome cat deaths. A spokesman for the village of Palmetto Bay said in a news release that the Miami-Dade Police Department began making arrests Saturday night. Village spokesman Bill Kress said police issued multiple warrants, and have scheduled a news conference Sunday morning. The names of the suspects weren't immediately released. Horrified owners have been finding their cats killed and mutilated for the past month in Palmetto Bay and another nearby community. Police say some of the dead cats were missing fur and appeared to have been cut with a sharp, straight instrument. In all, investigators have been looking into about two dozen deaths.

Anyone who can brutalize an innocent, helpless creature is the lowest human that walks the earth, capable of anything. No compassion, no morals, no empathy... pure evil, the tool of the devil! I am hereby calling upon the spirits and I am sending out a curse upon this person. I am sending voodoo that this person committing this cruel acts upon these beloved cats, will as of right now, become violently ill and die a slow and painful death!

20 cat deaths leave Fla. communities worried

MIAMI (AP) - The black cat's body was found in the grass, just feet from the hedges where she slept each day.
Miss Kitty was still warm to the touch when the South Florida couple who cared for her found her in the yard next door. Her head was smashed and her back legs skinned, like pieces of chicken in a grocer's freezer. And she was not the only one to suffer such a fate.
Horrified owners have been finding their cats killed and mutilated for the past month in two south Miami-Dade County communities. Many of the cats were missing fur and appeared to have been cut with a sharp, straight instrument, police said. In all, investigators are looking into about two dozen deaths, with enough evidence to try to prosecute at least 15 of the cases.
"Every time I hear about someone else, I'm in their shoes and I see my cat again," said Mary Lou Shad, who fed and cared for Miss Kitty with her husband for the past year. Although the cat was feral, they considered her their pet.

I feel terrorized to the point where everywhere I go, I'm looking for dead cats on the side of the road," Shad said.
Investigators don't yet know who or what is behind the gruesome cat deaths in Cutler Bay and Palmetto Bay, but owners are keeping their pets inside, raising reward money and warily eyeing strangers.
Police spokeswoman Rebeca Perez said the manner of death indicates a person killed the animals, and that the deaths could be linked. So far, there's no indication the killer or killers plan to attack people.
Whoever's responsible "hasn't given any indication that this is some sort of a threat where this person's going to commit these crimes against a human being," Perez said.
The Shads' canary-colored home sits in a calm suburban neighborhood of small one-story houses, neat lawns and caring neighbors. There is a school nearby and a park with swings and playground equipment. An ice cream truck rumbles through, its tune echoing down the streets.

But the apparent tranquility belies residents' anger and fear.
"Be aware that there is a psychopathic coward, killing cats," reads one poster taped to a neighborhood street sign.

Read Full Story

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Urge Congress to Pass Anti-Horse Slaughter Bill!

Every year, more than 100,000 American horses are cruelly slaughtered to satisfy the markets for horsemeat in Europe and Asia. Since the last horse slaughter plants in the U.S. were closed in 2007, unwanted American horses are commonly shipped to Canada and Mexico for these killings. Click here to stop the transport of American horses for slaughter today >>
The methods used to kill these horses once they arrive at a processing plant can be exceptionally inhumane. In Mexico, slaughterhouse workers commonly use small, thin knives to stab horses into a state of paralysis (by severing their spinal cords), and then slaughter them while still fully conscious. The Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act, recently introduced to Congress, would put an end to this practice by prohibiting the transport of America's horses across state lines and international borders for slaughter. Please contact your representatives and urge them to support this anti-horse slaughter bill now >>

Thank you for lending your voice, - The Team

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Would you know if you were served CAT?

Ever wonder what yo may be eating when out at a restaurant?
I am sure this is not an isolated case.
Most restaurants I am sure are great, but how many are just like this.

Would you know if your chicken dinner was really cat and who's cat?
Of course when you listen to the inspector in the video, the restaurant is a "Good" restaurant that had a "Bad" day. The skinned cat of course... we don't know nothing about that!

YEAH... Right! Like the Peanut Company that had poisoned people with salmonella and after looking at the companies manufacturing facilities they were in atrocious conditions and inspectors as usual asleep at the wheel for years. If you trust what your meat, food or restaurant inspections say... GOOD LUCK! If you ever read "The Jungle" and think that things have changed... no they haven't! Especially in the meat industry and restaurants come in 2nd!

Just more reason I am glad to be a vegetarian who used very little processed foods!


DORAVILLE, Ga. -- A local restaurant with a loyal following and rave reviews is under the microscope.

Doraville Police took pictures a few months ago of a skinned cat and raw meat stacked in the back of Ming's BBQ on Buford Highway.

The pictures, taken on January 23, forced Ming's to make big changes.

They showed grease traps overflowing, pigs stacked in buckets, boxes of raw meat sitting outside and pieces of raw meat hanging from a fence.

"One of the employees was taking, we don't know what kind of meat it was, but he was tossing it over a fence, and we did get pictures of that," said Officer Rosemary Martin.

There's also a picture of what police and the city solicitor describe as a dead skinned cat.

That obviously was the most disturbing thing we saw," said Lee Perkins, Doraville City Solicitor. "The cat appeared to be, it was the head and tail and skin of the cat. As the pictures show, it was right in back of the restaurant."

Police immediately called out DeKalb county health inspectors.

"There was a picture taken by police of a dead skinned cat. Did you inspectors see that?" 11Alive's Jennifer Leslie asked Ryan Cira, DeKalb County Environmental Health Manager.

"No we did not see what you're referring to," Cira said. "We were told Doraville code inspectors were handling that."

But county inspectors did take action.

They shut down Ming's for a short time that day over concerns about the temperature of the meat that was left outside.

"Did you consider closing it for good?" Leslie asked.

"That is a last resort," Cira said. "We do not begin any inspection with that in mind."

Instead, inspectors returned six times over the next two weeks.

On january 28, Ming's scored a failing 59.

But by february 10, the score jumped to 96.

"That's pretty dramatic. How did they do that?" Leslie asked.

"They took good directions and good instructions from us," Cira said. "They've been in business for 15 years, and I believe the average score over the years has been a B."

One the owners of Ming's, Jack Cheng, declined our request for an interview, but he did agree to talk off-camera.

He insisted the meat in the police photos wasn't outside for very long and was in the process of being moved to refrigerators.

Since then, he said Ming's has stopped ordering so much food, changed food suppliers and put food safety managers on duty at all hours.

As for the skinned cat, Cheng said he didn't know anything about it and was offended that police tried to connect it to the restaurant.

"I had a concern that people would be eating at that restaurant," Perkiness, the city solicitor, said.

In municipal court last month, the owners of Mine's were found guilty of having too much trash in the back and letting grease pour down a storm drain.

The judge ordered them to pay a $5000 fine, serve 60 hours of community service and submit to weekly inspections by police.

The restaurant's also due for another routine inspection by the county.

"Is this a good restaurant that had a bad day?" Leslie asked Cirri.

"I would say so, yes," Cirri said. "I think they're on the right track."

Ming's is one of eight restaurants temporarily shut down by DeKalb county health inspectors in the last year.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Miniature Cows.. Human cruelty continues...I'm getting sader by the day!

Farms downsize with miniature cows

Quote:"Aren't they sweet?" asked Ali, 52, shooing Half-Pint, Buttercup and a dozen other cattle across a holding pen. "They're my babies, every little one of them."


...and then the "Babies" Are send off to slaughter houses like this

and we don't stop at cows & pigs... Horse are fair game too

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Action Alert Miami Date County Florida Serial Killer

People who hurt innocent defenseless beings are the lowest scum. Remember someone who can do this to a helpless animals has no ability for compassion and will eventually move on to hurting or even killing a human,maybe is already doing so. This is serious on so many levels.

Here is an alert. If you live in Florida and know who is doing this to these cats... please contact your local authorities!

Authorities ask anyone with information to call Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS. Or they can call Miami-Dade Detective Dominick Columbro at 305-234-4237 or Miami-Dade Animal Services Investigator Fernando J. Casadevall Jr. at 305-884-1102, ext. 240.
Jennifer Lebovich and Howard Cohen The Miami Herald

MIAMI - Along a quiet street in Cutler Bay, neighbors awoke last week to a startling discovery: mutilated cats left on display in the yards of family homes. Some skinned, others sliced across the stomach -- the bodies were left like talismans in some horror movie.In all, city officials and police say, there have been about 20 cats reported found maimed and killed in Cutler Bay and Palmetto Bay. Miami-Dade police, with the assistance of the county's animal services, are investigating the mystery but have made no arrests."We take a very dim view of this,'' said Detective Bobby Williams, a Miami-Dade police spokesman. "We find it very disturbing an individual would do something like this to defenseless animals.''''We're looking into whether or not these cases are linked,'' he said.

The rash of cat deaths, first reported last week, prompted Palmetto Bay Mayor Eugene Flinn to issue this warning on Monday: "Residents should keep their cats inside their homes until it has been determined who or what has caused these deaths and there is no longer a threat to the feline population of the village.''On Tuesday, the Humane Society of the United States announced a $2,500 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction in what they said were "serial cat killings.''''This is particularly gruesome and egregious,'' said Jennifer Hobgood, the organization's Florida director. "If you speak to the investigator, the phrase he used is that the cats are being left like `little trophies.' ''

A police report from a woman who found two cats in her yard in the 19700 block of Whispering Pines Road describes two mutilated cats: "Both were sliced open and one was posed.''Such was the case for Chris Quarles, whose 11-year-old cat Jack was found dead last week. A Miami-Dade school counselor, Quarles said it seems as though the killings were methodical.''He was skinned from the belly all the way down and had cut marks on his back leg,'' he said."The police said some cats were missing up to a week and then showed up back at their [owner's] house dismembered and killed. Somebody is thinking about what he's doing.''His cat was found dead Thursday, within a day of about 10 cats being found in the same neighborhood.Said Cutler Bay Mayor Paul Vrooman: "There are human victims in this and families' hearts are broken and they are going through grief as their pets are being killed.''The scene was similar in Palmetto Bay, where Alicia Glatzer's husband found the body of one of the family's cats, Sarah, in the yard.Part of her face was missing, her belly had been skinned and her intestines spilled onto the grass. Though it seemed unlikely, they thought the cat had been struck by a car. Then they heard news reports about the injuries inflicted on other cats nearby.''We have two other cats,'' Alicia Glatzer said. "My concern is every day when I walk out whether I'll find another dead cat outside.''Barbara Wiesinger, 68, said she found the bodies of several cats in her Cutler Bay neighborhood before finding her 15-year-old calico, named Cami, a few houses away. Gone was part of the cat's face.''Your mind can't wrap around the why of it, or even the how,'' she said. "How did they get them and what are they going to do now?''

Authorities ask anyone with information to call Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS. Or they can call Miami-Dade Detective Dominick Columbro at 305-234-4237 or Miami-Dade Animal Services Investigator Fernando J. Casadevall Jr. at 305-884-1102, ext. 240.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Why We Should Not Eat Genetically Related Earthlings

When animals get similar or identical diseases then humans and when these diseases then can be transferred between them that should tell us something about how closely related we really are. Do we really want to eat meat that is humans like? It is cannibalism! Who knows what other diseases we have been getting because of this nasty habit of eating meat! There is science that links Alzheimer a brain deterioration disease to Mad Cow disease? Is it really worth it?

US 'very concerned' about swine flu outbreak

US medical authorities expressed strong concern Friday about an unprecedented multi-strain swine flu outbreak that has killed at least 60 people in Mexico and infected seven people in the United States.
"It's very obvious that we are very concerned. We've stood up emergency operation centers," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spokesman Dave Daigle told AFP.

One major source of concern was that the virus included strains from different types of flu.

"This is the first time that we've seen an avian strain, two swine strains and a human strain," said Daigle, adding that the virus had influenza strains from European and Asian swine, but not from North American swine.

In 11 of 12 reported human cases of swine influenza (H1N1) virus infection in the United States from December 2005 to February 2009, the CDC has documented direct or indirect contact with swine.

But the seven known cases of the previously undetected strain in the United States -- five from California and two from Texas -- did not have contact with pigs. The seven people infected have all recovered from the flu.

"We have determined that this virus is contagious and is spreading from human to human," the CDC said on its website. "However, at this time, we have not determined how easily the virus spreads between people."

Local and state health officials were interviewing not just the people who were infected but the people with whom they had contact, Daigle noted.

Officials were looking for the source of the infection, Daigle

Read full story

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Horses die before polo match at Wellington club,0,2481657.photogallery

It's too sad. Horses are magnificent animals and I love them with the most profound love possible. My whole life I have been spiritually connected to Horses and the abuse of them has saddened and frustrated me my whole life.

Let us not forget in light of this story that thousands of horses are abused and tortured every day. Most of the public and the media never reports and the daily horse slaughter that is still performed in many countries but especially in Canada and Mexico.

This slaughter is the most barbaric practice done to a creature that has done so much for humanity! Instead of erecting a monument to their greatness we thank them with abuse and torture. Because people in France and Japan and now in the US want to eat Horse meat.

It is impossible to kill a horse humanely for human consumption. The only halfway humane killing is a lethal injection done in a known environment to the horse to avoid panic. Of course using drugs intravenously or subcutaneously or intramuscular will make the meat unusable for human consumption.

The bottom line is just as you would not think of eating your dog or cat, you should not think of eating a horse. Just because horses are big does not mean we have to eat them. Learn just how sensitive and intelligent they are. Their greatness and what they have contributed to human civilisation should give them a time honored place in our world.

Without getting in to details, Horses saved my life. I was a troubled youths and when I got involved with horses I found unconditional Love affection and when I grew close to "my" horse he became my "Friend" I would have rather cut my arm off then lead him to slaughter. This was many years ago.

Please learn how horses are used in therapy and how many kids gain confidence and trust when they are exposed to horses and interact with them. Horses were given to us by God for us to heal and learn, in so many ways. But many of us are blind! What we do to them is a slap in the face of God!

Horses are VERY sensitive and head shy. Trying to kill them with bolts to the head is almost impossible. In Mexico they use knifes and shuttle the Horses through narrow shoots and then try to stab them in the back to try to severe their spinal courts.

Needless to say they often have to keep stabbing, inflicting unimaginable pain, panic utter torture. This goes on every day. But nobody seems to care. Sometimes they cut their legs off by the knees to immobilise them where they slowly bleed to death, in fear, alone and in unimaginable pain. These are horses that someone once owned now an unscrupulous horse dealer sell to the meat market, often telling the owners they'll be send to a pasture. Humans can be so mean, cruel and without conscience.
When it comes to the Horse meat industry you'll find some of the worst humans of all.

Being a flight animals trying to demobilise a Horse without sedation is torture in itself. The horse will fight , kick and try to get away and hurt themselves in the process.

Million of people don't give it a thought.

Now this story make people cry. I cry every day for all the horses that suffer terrible for human selfishness.

I cry every day over all of this. I have to make myself forget it sometimes otherwise I would go insane.

If you really care about horses, please learn about what I have written here and get involved. Call or write to your politicians to let them know that you want them to protect horses and not allow them to become a food for consumption which will only lead to mass torture in barbaric slaughter houses. HORSES CAN NOT be slaughtered humanely! That's the bottom line!

Some people say what is the owner of a horse to do when he does not want that horse anymore?

It cost about $200 dollars to euthanize a horse... that is whet the owner should do. I've been around horse for a large part of my life and my teacher in horsemanship would have rather gone hungry then to send his or any of his horses to slaughter. So would I. If you just put a few dollars aside every week, but the time your so called Friend and partner in riding is too old or sick, or you just outgrown him, if you cant' find a good home for him or her please let him leave this earth in some dignity, painless in the place he knows in peace.

Please pay for a vet to euthanize your "Friend"! Don't sell them to those that ship them off to be butchered. From the day they are sold to the moment they finally die they suffer unconscionably, maybe wondering "WHY"! What have I done to deserve THIS?

If you can't find a couple of hundred dollars what are you doing with a horse to begin with? People make excuses. Selfishness is the downfall of humanity!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Man Eating Lions

Take Action!

Would you be shocked to know that you can pick up your phone, call a 1-800 number and order a lion steak for dinner?

Unfortunately, it is legal in the United States to raise lions for human consumption. Several restaurants have included lion meat on their menus, much to the dismay of big cat lovers and animal activists alike.

We must work together to ask our elected officials to take steps to stop this horrible practice! We must also let the providers of lion meat know that this practice is simply not acceptable.

Let's urge Congress to direct the United States Department of Agriculture to end the practices that result in exotic cats ending up on menus by ending the breeding and private possession of these animals. Also, let's ask the provider of lion meat to the United States to take if off the menu.

If you received this as an email and your Take Action link isn't working, you can paste this URL into your browser to send your letter:

Monday, April 6, 2009

World Outrage Against Seal Hunt does not convince Canadian Government

Things are looking rather up around the world for our little baby seals. Spain is officially opposing the Seal Ban as is Ireland. Thanks to activists who have written their government officials and unlike in Canada, their government actually listens to their concerns!

Russia has ended it's cruel seal hunt on innocent babies and Peta is campaigning to get the Vancouver Olympic Committee to speak up for the seals.

Senator Harb has received over 200 000 emails and letters from people around the world in support of his Bill.

How in the world can our Government keep up with this pressure! As they are spending millions of Canadian tax dollars in Europe spreading lies about the seal hunt: ie...the hunt is humane, used for sustenance and involves the Inuit Tribes...FALSE to all of the above....and we have new very revealing evidence about the abhorrent cruelty of this hunt from the Freedom of Information Act. Not to mention that the mic mac tribe from US has publicly requested that Obama oppose the Canadian Seal determined is our Government to continue this awful slaughter? I do not get it!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

The lioness who showed remorse after realising it had killed a pregnant antelope

These are the shocking pictures that show that nature is brutal - but also profoundly moving.

After realising an antelope she has killed was pregnant, a lioness removes the unborn calf, tries to nudge it back to life and even protects and hides it as if it is her own cub.

The lioness even seems to show regret for her actions and the pictures will spark a debate about the awareness of animals.

The remarkable sequence of photos were captured by conservationist and reserve ranger Gerry Van Der Walt.

The party had been travelling through the Madikwe Game Reserve, in South Africa, early this year when they came across the predator and a dead Red Hartebeest antelope.

He and a group of visitors spotted the big cat just moments after she had made her kill and expected to witness nothing more than a simple feeding.

But what followed astounded everyone.

Gerry, 33, who has worked on reserves and with wildlife in South Africa for more than two decades, said that he thought the kill was going to be pretty much 'by the book'.

He said: 'My guests were also watching the scene through their video cameras and binoculars.

'As the lioness got hold of what we thought was the stomach she started pulling it out.

'But as the cat stood up to get a little more leverage a ranger next to me said: "That is not the stomach".

'I have seen a lion kill where the prey was pregnant but normally they would just carry on feeding as if nothing was wrong.

'But this time the scenes that followed had us all dumbstruck.

'Once out of the mother the lioness very gently placed the foetus on the floor and spent quite a bit of time smelling and investigating the unborn Hartebeest.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Insist on Eating Meat at your own Peril! Dangers of Animal meat eating.

Dangers of Animal meat eating
Maneka Gandhi

All meat eating is risky because of the diseases that meat carries and the reaction it causes in the human body which is intended to be vegetarian. Even more unnatural is for meat-eating humans to consume carnivores because of their greater disease load , smell and the extra allergy of our bodies to theirs. To cite one example of the increased risk of consuming meat-eating animals: those who eat cows and sheep that have been force fed meat run the terrible risk of getting CJS or “ Mad Cow Disease” a fatal condition where the brain melts down. Alzheimers is another condition that scientists have traced to the same source. However in a couple of Asian countries including India’s northeast states, dogs and cats are eaten. This is not for nutrition but for the most bizarre reasons including the foolish belief that dog meat enhances sexual potency. Sometimes it is eaten out of superstition or even as a cure for tuberculosis! But even i n Korea , China and the Philippines where dog eating is most prevalent, dogs are not listed as an animal husbandry produce showing that it is a deviant practice rather than a mainstream food habit. The trade is conducted out of public sight with no official records maintained by agencies that normally track commerce because this would be an admission of a traffic of which many citizens disapprove. As petkeeping gains in popularity, petkeepers could soon lobby to finally end this perversion.

In India, dogs are eaten openly only in Nagaland and to a smaller extent in Mizoram. Unfortunately the traffic of dogs into Nagaland is draining the dogs from all the other states nearby like Assam , Manipur, Sikkim, Meghalaya , Arunachal Pradesh even West Bengal and Burma. Cats are not openly eaten anywhere but secretly by gypsies like the Narikauravas of South India and one ethnic sect in Kerala. However dhabas and roadside restaurateurs routinely pass off cat and dog meat as chicken or other meat.
Not only is this illegal but downright dangerous. In the Philippines where dog meat is now banned , there are health warnings about the deadly diseases including rabies that it can cause. Dr. Roberto Umali, regional director of the National Meat Inspection Commission, explains these hazards, "Eating dog meat may cause anthrax, hepatitis, leptospirosis, internal parasites and brucellosis, a virus that causes abortion in both humans and animals. However, the most dangerous are the E. Coli 107 and salmonella virus, most common in contaminated meat. Dogs are not food animals and we appeal to the public to refrain from eating them".
On February 1, 2006 the Philippine Daily Inquirer reported that a 4 year old girl, who was given dog meat by her neighbours, died of rabies and encephalitis. Her father said she had developed high fever and symptoms of rabies shortly after eating the meat. She was rushed to hospital but died within a few hours. Doctors say the rabies virus may have entered the girl's system through a tooth cavity. When chewing the meat of a dog infected with rabies, the virus enters the nerve endings through a cavity, loose tooth or a cut in the gums, passes through the lymph nodes and multiplies in the brain, resulting in the victim's death. The incubation period for rabies can be as short as 4 to 6 weeks or as long as 1 to 5 years. People handling dog meat could also be infected by their hands touching their eyes or lips.
Nor is it just the meat of a rabid dog that is fatal, a normal healthy dog’s meat is equally hazardous. Dogs eat raw meat, rats, vermin and garbage. All of this is passed onto the consumer. In the Northeast, death from such cases is simply documented as routine food poisoning. But in Namibia after 68 villagers were hospitalized after eating a dog, Namibia’s Director of Health has forbidden dog meat .
Recently in Azerbaijan, 12 people were taken to hospital with trichinellosis . They had unknowingly eaten dog meat disguised as keema (mince) and put into sausages and shish kebab. Trichinellosis is a parasitic disease caused by eating carnivorous animals infected with the roundworm Trichinella spiralis. Within 1-2 days of infection, it is manifested as nausea, heartburn , dyspepsia and diarrhea. As the worms travel to different parts of the body, other symptoms may occur such as headache, fever, chills, cough, eyeswelling, joint pains and itching. Most dangerous is when worms enter the central nervous system causing serious neurological problems such as respiratory paralysis and even death. Infestation of the heart can also lead to death. Symptoms occur within 1-2 days with further symptoms following 2-8 weeks after eating contaminated meat. Mild cases of trichinellosis are seldom specifically diagnosed and are assumed to be the flu or other common illnesses. It has been suggested that trichinellosis may be one of several factors that led to religious prohibitions as in Islam and Judaism against eating dog or pork meat.
After tightening meat checks, the incidence of trichinellosis is falling in Russia but increasing in neighbouring countries like Poland and Turkey where clandestine sale of dog meat is on the rise. In China too dog meat has become an increasing source of the disease. Since its first documented outbreak of human trichinellosis resulting from the consumption of dog meat in 1974, such cases have multiplied alarmingly.
Are you at risk for trichinellosis? Certainly, if you order meat at dhabas, or eat bear, pig, cat, fox, dog and wolf meat. Curing (salting), drying, smoking, freezing or microwaving meat does not kill the worms.
Here are other zoonotic diseases that dog meat can transmit:
Cryptosporidosis: A parasitic disease that causes a mild to severe infection of the gastrointestinal system manifesting in watery diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting.
Giardia: Giardiasis is the most frequent cause of nonbacterial diarrhea in North America and the most commonly diagnosed intestinal parasite in humans.
Leptospirosis: A bacterial disease spread through the urine of infected animals. In people, the symptoms are often flu-like. The risk of leptospirosis through common contact with a dog is negligible, the primary mode of transmission is through contact with contaminated animal tissues, organs, or urine.
Roundworm: Toxocara is a parasitic infection caused by roundworms commonly found in the intestines of dogs and puppies and shed through their stool. Toxocara infections can cause eye disease leading to blindness, or swelling of the body's organs and central nervous system.

Check the food you eat. Eating dogs is neither friendly nor healthful.

To join the animal welfare movement contact


Did you get your dose of arsenic today?