Monday, June 15, 2009

Arrest made In Cat Torture & Killings in Florida

Online postings led police to suspect in cat killings... but the punishment will not be enough! We are looking at the next Jeffrey Dahmer and we all should be very sickened by this teenagers actions. Are we? His name is Tyler Hayes Weinman and you better remember it! Lets say he has not been convicted yet! Lets be clear just because he look like a "nice boy" does not mean he is not capable. Something inside of him is broken!

Here is an excerpt from Dahmer's Story:

This young child had a morbid fascination with death. At the tender age of 10 he was already experimenting with dead animals. He would use acid to clean the meat off the bones and when asked about his bone collection he would reply, “I like the sound of them when I play with them”. His first dissection was that of a pig fetus in school. He also nailed a dog's carcass to a tree and put its head on a stake.

By the time he turned 17 his interest in dead animals was not enough to satisfy his lust for killing and he became obsessed by fantasies of killing and mutilating men. He also developed a necrophilia desire and what better way than to kill the object of his desire. After Jeffrey graduated from high school at the age of 17 his father left him alone to tend for himself. He took to drinking becoming a loner alcoholic. His step mother stated that he was usually a quiet well behaved child until he was drunk. Then he would become violent and uncontrollable.

Jeffrey's obsession to kill and necrophilia desire eventually overcame any reasonable thoughts he may have had. A perfect solution to finding his first victim occurred when he stumbled upon a hitchhiker in 1978. He picked up Stephen Hicks and took him to his home for a few social drinks. They were having a great time chatting, laughing and they had sex but when Stephen tried to leave he hit him over the head with a barbell, then to make sure he was dead he strangled him. To dispose of the body he dismembered it, smashing the bones with a hammer and buried it.

We better takes such acts seriously. The fact that a humans being that seems so "normal" can actually commit these acts and is not stopped by his/her own inner ability to feel an other's pain, is alarming. Most of us would not be able to go through with inflicting such pain to any living being. Our compassion and empathy would stop us.

When this barrier gets broken, and one can go through with such acts, an important part of what makes us humans has been broken. This is serious and many young people are getting desensitised to others feelings. We must pay attention and with prevention and consequences to the action of people like Dahmer or Weinman.

We must teach compassion for all living beings regardless of what it is. If someone loves dogs and says they hate cats we must teach them that these animal are different but equal. We must make them understand that loving one creature does not make it right to hate another that may be opposite of it. If young people persistently express their hate for certain animals we should pay attention and find out what is going on in their lives and intervene immediately. Maybe it would help to start thinking deeper as to how we live our lives in regards to animals. How we treat them and the hypocrisy of it all. We eat meat that we don't kill ourselves ... learn how the meat industry treats animal and ask yourself.... why do we expect children to grow up to be loving people if we allow and condone such cruelties behind thick walls.? If slaughter houses had glass wall we all be vegetarian... believe me!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you. I've been linking to you on my blog during the unfolding of this story.


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