Monday, April 6, 2009

World Outrage Against Seal Hunt does not convince Canadian Government

Things are looking rather up around the world for our little baby seals. Spain is officially opposing the Seal Ban as is Ireland. Thanks to activists who have written their government officials and unlike in Canada, their government actually listens to their concerns!

Russia has ended it's cruel seal hunt on innocent babies and Peta is campaigning to get the Vancouver Olympic Committee to speak up for the seals.

Senator Harb has received over 200 000 emails and letters from people around the world in support of his Bill.

How in the world can our Government keep up with this pressure! As they are spending millions of Canadian tax dollars in Europe spreading lies about the seal hunt: ie...the hunt is humane, used for sustenance and involves the Inuit Tribes...FALSE to all of the above....and we have new very revealing evidence about the abhorrent cruelty of this hunt from the Freedom of Information Act. Not to mention that the mic mac tribe from US has publicly requested that Obama oppose the Canadian Seal determined is our Government to continue this awful slaughter? I do not get it!!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't get it either. It boggles the mind. The government is so arrogant. They seem so desperate to keep this unhumane extremely cruel, and barbaric hunt going even though there is no market for the seal pelts, the sealers even say they won't make any money and its such a lie they use the meat because all ive seen is horrific pictures of skinned carcasses all over the ice. I do not care what excuse they use they will never change my mind about it. Seal hunters and their supporters are heartless, and they are 40 years behind the times out there on the east coast. They banned seal hunting on the west coast over 40 years ago because of "public outcry". Its like we don't even live in the same country which at the moment is alright with me. Oh and guess what, on the west coast they make millions of dollars in ecotourism because people would much rather see live seals and whales then dead ones. In fact they love it.


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