Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Why I denounced my former Christian believes.

I was born and raised a Christian, not particularly engaged, but still prescribed to many of the Christian Doctrines out of habit, superstition and because of peer pressures.

As I got older and started to become more independent and intelligent and worried less about the Christian society or God's judgement and as I started to learn and observe, human behaviour, how it correlates to Christian doctrine and practices, it become clearer and clearer to me that Christianity is an unfortunate accident at best at worst conspiracy of history holding up progress and justice at the detriment of those that don't even prescribe to this believe system.

The teachings and practices of Christianity is in total conflict with my love for nature and all that is part of it. My believe in non violence is in stark contrast with Christian societies love of war and hate for many animal species and total disregard for the environment. It seems from my observations, Christian doctrine demands that followers loath the environment and other animals.

In Christianity nature is regularly diminished, destroyed, maligned almost as if it not part of the world and as if only mankind is of importance and totally unattached to everything else that makes up life.
This is of course in total contrast to what we know.

It seems the longer Christianity and it's political influence lives  the shorter the life of nature and other cultures. It is very sad and troubling to me.

That is why, after almost a lifetime, I denounced Christianity and now prefer to live a life that respects all other live and our earth, other cultures without a pretentious supremacy complex that Christianity demands. I rather engage in spiral practice and soul searching and learning.

Generally I describe myself as a naturalist in the vain of John Muir sharing a certain cosmic consciousness! To me the natural world is my church!

If you would like to read a living example of Christian thinking  today, here is a web site that is a great example of what some may say is extreme, but this is actually rather common. They are simply honest about it. This is what the Christian Church says about Naturalists.

Here is an example of a Christian man awakening. Father Frank is going to have a hard time coming out in the Christian church as someone who thinks like this.  I wish him success and strength. He'll need it. Good man awakening.

20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity

by Chaz Bufe

  1. Christianity is based on fear
  2. Christianity preys on the innocent
  3. Christianity is based on dishonesty
  4. Christianity is extremely egocentric
  5. Christianity breeds arrogance, a chosen-people mentality
  6. Christianity breeds authoritarianism
  7. Christianity is cruel
  8. Christianity is anti-intellectual, anti-scientific
  9. Christianity has a morbid, unhealthy preoccupation with sex
  10. Christianity produces sexual misery
  11. Christianity has an exceedingly narrow, legalistic view of morality
  12. Christianity encourages acceptance of real evils while focusing on imaginary evils
  13. Christianity depreciates the natural world
  14. Christianity models hierarchical, authoritarian organization
  15. Christianity sanctions slavery
  16. Christianity is misogynistic
  17. Christianity is homophobic
  18. The Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ's teachings
  19. The Bible is riddled with contradictions
  20. Christianity borrowed its central myths and ceremonies from other ancient religions

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