So shall we come to look at the world with new eyes. It shall answer the endless inquiry of the intellect, — What is truth? and of the affections, — What is good? by yielding itself passive to the educated Will. ... Build, therefore, your own world. As fast as you conform your life to the pure idea in your mind, that will unfold its great proportions. A correspondent revolution in things will attend the influx of the spirit. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Helplessly watching Dog being Starved
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Eagle Cam
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Roast & Mashed Potatoes Vegan
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Rotarix rotavirus vaccine contaminated, officials say
"There is no evidence at this time that this material poses a safety risk," Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg told reporters in a conference call.
Rotarix, made by GlaxoSmithKline, was approved by the FDA in 2008. The contaminant material is DNA from porcine circovirus 1, a virus from pigs that is not known to cause disease in humans or animals, Hamburg said.
Learn more about Porcine circovirus 1
Pig Virus DNA Found in Rotavirus Vaccine
WebMD Health News
March 22, 2010 -- GlaxoSmithKline's Rotarix rotavirus vaccine contains DNA from an apparently harmless pig virus, the company and the FDA today announced.
The FDA estimates that 1 million U.S. kids have received the Rotarix vaccine.
The contamination was discovered by researchers developing a new technique for detecting viral material. GlaxoSmithKline confirmed that the pig virus, porcine circovirus type 1 or PCV-1, has been in the vaccine since it was developed.
This means that pig virus DNA was in the vaccine throughout clinical trials. No safety issues emerged from these international studies with 90,000 participants or, GlaxoSmithKline says, in post-marketing surveillance covering more than 69 million doses of the vaccine. READ FULL REPORT HERE
" No safety issue" Yeah Right.... I don't TRUST them one bit!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Ten Tips for cats who are forced to relocate with their owners!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Research Monkeys Cooked ALIVE
Research monkey deaths prompt calls for crackdown
At a lab run by the same company, a monkey died last year after it was sent through an automatic cage washer. The temperatures were so scalding the monkey never had a chance.
The two cases have led to calls for greater oversight and enforcement of the animal research industry after an alarmingly high number of deaths in recent years.
Critics say fines for violations at animal research labs are so puny that they do nothing to deter violations. The lab where the monkeys died in Nevada was fined a mere $14,000 for the two incidents, according to records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. There is more to read CLICK HERE
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Help Protect THE TONGASS
The Tongass National Forest
America's Rainforest Under Threat!
Carrie Feldman statement to teh Grand Jury of Iowa
Update From Local Grand Jury Resister Carrie Feldman
Some info about federal grand juries in Iowa:
The federal grand jury in Iowa has sessions for two days at a time, once a month. They are convened for 12 months at a time. There is always a grand jury going on and they hear a variety of cases--they are not convened for any specific thing. They are secret, and even the public defenders working on those cases are kept very much in the dark. The current grand jury convened on October 14th.
Here’s the statement I read to the grand jury:
Grand juries were originally created to prevent arbitrary indictments, but are now used as a tool of the prosecution to gather information. Grand juries undercut basic rights supposedly granted in the Constitution by denying access to counsel and coercing testimony. They are now, and have been for some time, used to investigate and intimidate those who would express dissent.
This is only effective when we are complicit, when we are frightened, when we are divided. Today my voice may waver, as I stand alone in this room. But I know I speak with the voice of every one of my friends, loved ones, and comrades when I say this: We will not be intimidated. We will not cooperate. I have nothing more to say to you.
Thanks to everyone for how much support I've gotten already. It means so much to me to know you have my back.
If you want to stay updated on my case, visit
The World Peace Diet
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
CAT needs rescue in Forest Park GA
Thank you to everyone who responded to our email about the cat in a tree. We’re glad to report that it appears the cat was able to come down on her own. Our complainants will continue to monitor the area for concerns.
Thank you again for your compassion for animals!
I’m one of PETA’s caseworkers. We’ve just gotten a call about a frightened cat in Forest Park, GA who’s been stuck in a tree for three days. We’re working to find a tree service to rescue her, but in the meantime we’d like to find somebody who would be willing to, with our advice, implement some basic strategies to encourage the cat to come down on her own. You will need a ladder (the taller the better--we won’t ask you to climb the tree, but rather to place food at the top of the ladder), some bait (tuna or mackerel), and a cat carrier in which to place the cat if she comes down (at which point we’d ask you to take her to the local shelter). You will need your own transportation, but we could reimburse for gas (save your receipts)!
If you think you can help us today (Tuesday 3/16), please email or call me right away and I will provide the address and work out a plan of action with you. Please only call or email if you can help. You may forward this message.
Thank you for your compassion for animals
Kristin DeJournett, Cruelty Caseworker
Emergency Response Team
Cruelty Investigations Department
901-405-4371 (phone and fax)
Please include all previous email exchanges when responding.
In these difficult times, we cannot forget animals. Please donate today.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Good news!
Here are the 10 foods for the future, according to Canadian chefs.
1 Ancient grains: We're talking kamut, spelt, amaranth, teff and other grains that haven't been altered by plant science for commercial purposes like bigger yields and pest resistance. Proponents say ancient grains are more flavourful and richer in nutrients.
2 Gluten-free beer: Gluten intolerance or allergies sometimes extends to hordein, the gluten in barley. Buckwheat and sorghum are the most common no-gluten substitutes for barley in North America but rice, maize, amaranth, flax, millet, teff and soybean have also been used to make beer.
3 Vegan entrées: That means no meat, fish, poultry, dairy, eggs or for that matter, honey or gelatin. The term "vegan" was first used by Donald Watson, an American, in 1944. He used the first three and last two letters from the word vegetarian. He said it was the "beginning and end of vegetarian."
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
They Have One Week To Live... The Murder of Baby Seals Continues!

4 May 1998.

Humanity can not stand for this.
We are better then that!!!
CLICK HERE to learn how you can help!
Make your voice heard HERE
Read more
There are many myths associated with Canada's annual seal slaughter which are spoken by some of the people of Newfoundland and Labrador. Below is a list of a few of the most popular myths and the truth behind the statements.
1. We don’t kill white coats: unclear
The commercial hunting of infant harp seals (whitecoats), and infant hooded seals (bluebacks), was banned in Canada in 1987, under pressure from animal rights groups. Now, seals may only be killed legally once they have started moulting (from 12 to 15 days of age for harp seals), as this coincides with the time when they are abandoned by their mothers. These pups, who have not yet completely moulted are known as "ragged-jackets". Once the pups have completely moulted, they are called "beaters". However, there is confusion as to when a baby seal leaves the whitecoat stage, and there is little enforcement....just because it's illegal doesn't mean it's not happening.
Seals may be killed once they begin to moult their fluffy white coats at just 12 days old. Fully 95 percent of the seals killed in the hunt are under three months of age.
2. Animal protection organizations use the seal hunt as a way to make money: False
If it were true, then animal rights groups would want the abuse to continue so they could continue making money. Animal rights campaigns against the seal hunt are anything but supportive of the abuse, and the funds are funneled into trying to end the hunt.
Sadly, it takes money to create campaigns to end the cruelty. If the abusers take issue with animal rights groups generating funds for these campaigns, they would have nothing to complain about if they would just stopped the killing.
The large sums of money generated to end the seal hunt demonstrate how loud the global voice is to end the largest marine mammal slaughter on earth.
- There is far more money in cruelty that can ever be imagined. If the animal protection movement had even one percent of the power, wealth, and subsidies of the industries that torture animals for profit, there would be no necessity for fundraising campaigns to end the cruelty.
3. The seals are overpopulating and eating all the fish: False
Sealing nations such as the Norway, Russia, and Canada have repeatedly claimed that to maintain commercial fishing populations they must cull seal herds.
This deception displays scant understanding of marine ecology. For several millennia to the 18th century, some 30 million Harp seals lived in the North Atlantic teeming with cod, capelin, herring, and so forth. If 30 million seals did not deplete the fish stocks back then, it is inconceivable that 5.8 million seals would deplete the fish stocks in this era.
Unsustainable harvesting by humans has caused the decline of fish and seal populations. At the peak of the seal hunt, in the 1830s, hunters killed 700,000 Harp seals per year, devastating the herds. Poor fisheries management led to the depletion of the cod throughout the North Atlantic. In truth, seals, like all marine mammals, are a vital part of the ecosystem of the Northwest Atlantic. Harp seals, which are the primary target of the hunt, are opportunistic feeders, meaning they eat many different species. So while approximately 3% of a harp seal's diet may be commercially fished cod, harp seals also eat many significant predators of cod, such as squid. That is why some scientists are concerned that culling harp seals could further inhibit recovery of commercially valuable fish stocks in the Northwest Atlantic.
However, and this is the key point to understand, when fish eat fish, or when seals eat fish, the nutrients remain in the ocean. They are recycled. When humans remove fish from the ocean, the nutrients are removed. Fisheries scientists generally ignore this fact. Seals and fish clearly coexisted for millennia. Embarrassed fisheries officers have simply used seals as a scapegoat for poor management.
Read moreWorld markets for seal products now appear to be saturated, with 2008 prices plummeting again by about half. Processors report that
sales of seal pelts all but stopped at the end of 2007; in early 2009 they still do not appear to have recovered.38 The international
fur auction in Copenhagen did not sell a single seal skin in 2008, and Greenland (the second largest sealing country), now reports
stockpiles of some 140,000 pelts.39
Economically Unnecessary
Is it worth it?
2008 prices .... Beater pelt $6 – $33 .... Blubber (per kg.) $0.07 /kg .... Flipper $1 .... Penis (adult) $2
and sold, or destroyed or burned. I do not care what happens to
them...the more they kill the better I will love it.
John Efford, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Newfoundland and Labrador.
4 May 1998.
Friday, March 5, 2010
In My Medicine Cabinet
I take a tablespoon maybe 2 to 3 times a week. I can't remember the last time I had a cold or the flu!
Elderberry & Goldenseal Pictures
Description | Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), is a member of the Ranunculaceae family. Goldenseal is a perennial that grows in the wild from Georgia to Canada. The plant grows from a yellowish root and forms a hairy stem with five-parted leaves, green white flowers with no petal and a fruit that resembles a raspberry. In the 19th century, the expansion of farming lands and the popularity of its medicinal properties among the early settlers and Native American Indians led the plant to become an endangered species. It is now cultivated and its high price and demand may result in adulterated products. As a result of the endangered status of goldenseal, a handful of environmentally conscious supplement companies have taken the position of substituting other berberine-containing herbs for goldenseal in their immune support formulas. Other plants that contain relatively high concentrations of Berberine (the alkaloid thought to contribute to the immune-stimulating effect of Goldenseal) include Goldenthread (Coptis chinensis), Oregon Grape (Berberis aquifolium), Barberry (Berberis vulgaris), and Tree Turmeric (Berberis aristata). |
Claims |
The berries have few calories and lots of nutrition. They provide very large amounts of potassium and beta-carotene, as well as sugar and fruit acids, calcium, phosphorous and vitamin C.
Looking at or even thinking about the elderberry bush evokes a flood of magical associations and images of the pastóEuropean ladies dousing their white skin with elder flower water, and crystal goblets filled with elderberry wine. In European folklore, fairies and elves would appear if you sat underneath an elder bush on midsummer night. The lovely elder possessed potent magic, with the ability to drive away witches, and kill serpents. Carrying the twigs in your pocket was a charm against certain diseases. One of these tales bears some truth: Sleeping under the elder supposedly produces a drugged, dream-filled sleepóthe fragrance is actually a mildly sedative. Perhaps the visions of fairies and elves resulted from dreaming under an elder bush.
My experience with the elder indicates that much of its charmed reputation among Europeans and Native Americans comes from its ability to heal. The flowers and fruit are medicinal. Hippocrates already recognized this in 400 B.C. (He used a smaller European species with similar properties, that doesnÃt grow in America.)
Due to their diuretic and detoxifying properties, people eat elderberries to lose weight. The flowers have been used in cosmetics since ancient times. Distilled elder flower water softens, tone and restores the skin. Elder flower infusion cleanses the skin, lightens freckles, and soothes sunburn. Its Bioflavinoids promote circulation and strengthen the capillaries.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Stop Whaling !!!
| |||
I Got A Kick Out Of This Performance.
Almond Milk & Steel Cut Oats for Breakfast

I now have Soy, Rice and Almond Milk to chose from for various dishes. This milk is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. Here is a link to their website so you can learn more about it. I bought the Vanilla Flavored only because my store did NOT have the plain one, something I hope they will remedy soon!!!
Anyway I used it for the first time today to make a creamy and crunchy breakfast. I used Steel Cut Oats (have more tooth after cooking) about 1/3 cup, 1 cup of almond milk, I added a pinch of salt and about a tablespoon of raw sugar that I store in a jar with used up vanilla beans. (after I use the beans I don't throw them away, I place them in a jar and add sugar, it makes a great vanilla flavored sugar that can be used per tabls in baking and as I did here in breakfasts.)
I brought the almond milk to a boil and then simmered the oats and

Try it You'll ENJOY!

The misinformation and Nutritional INSANITY is taking to a new level.
As a matter of fact, this is in my opinion criminal. Considering how we regulated tobacco (for good reasons) yet tobacco consumption was less a cause of illness disease and premature death, then the combined health damage that is being done by what many refer to as food.
Just because it tastes good and people WANT to eat it, does not make if nutrition or healthy.
This is irresponsible. It's once again all about MONEY and Greed and the power of the unhealthy food lobby. Dressing up junk as healthy. They could just as well hand cigarettes to people with a label saying approved by the American Heart Association it's that big of a lie! Weight Watchers should be ashamed!!!
They are selling their clients down the river just to get more clients. What sounds better to an obese person then the idea that they will lose weight and still can eat junk food like McDonald. That will bring WW a new line of clients. They don't seem to care about the long term effects.
Anger over Weight Watchers' endorsement of McDonald's
• 'Diet-friendly' menu to roll out in New Zealand
• Nutritionists says tie-up does not promote healthy eating
• 'Diet-friendly' menu to roll out in New Zealand
• Nutritionists says tie-up does not promote healthy eating

Weight Watchers has defended putting its logo on several McDonald's products. Photograph: Jeff Roberson/AP
McDonald's is hardly an ideal dining location for anyone struggling to stay slim. But the fast food chain scored a PR coup today when Weight Watchers agreed to endorse some of its products in New Zealand – a move met with outrage by nutritionists and obesity experts.
As part of the deal, which the company says is the first of its kind in the world, McDonald's will use the Weight Watchers logo on its menu boards and Weight Watchers will promote McDonald's to dieters.
The link-up is the fast-food chain's latest attempt to improve its reputation by securing endorsements. In January, to the horror of gastronomes, Italy's agriculture minister, Luca Zaia, helped launch the McItaly range of burgers. For a representative of one of the world's greatest culinary nations to do such a thing was "a sign of the moral bankruptcy of Silvio Berlusconi's government", wrote Matthew Fort in the Guardian.
Several items on the fast food giant's menu – the Filet-O-Fish, Chicken McNuggets and Sweet Chilli Seared Chicken Wrap – have been approved for the Weight Watchers diet in McDonald's 150 New Zealand restaurants. Each meal is worth 6.5 points on the programme, which assigns points to food items and allows dieters to consume 18 to 40 points each day to achieve their goal weight.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Your Health and Kindness go Hand in Heart

Living this new life of kindness toward all living beigns is a real marvelous experience. When you change how you eat and take all aspects in to consideration you end up not only being kind to animals but kind to yourself as well. That is really something that is giving me a wonderful feeling.Just as our neurons continue to connect in our brains after birth, when making these lifestyle changes we connect to an invisible web that connects us to the whole universe in a magical way. We are rewarded with physical and spiritual health that leads to happiness.
When making lifestyle changes, one of the issues is of course "Food".
We all love food and we need food. We eat it if it tastes good. Taste & texture is what we respond to immediately. Nutrition we can't really see but we know it's important but many of us don't know much about it. I am lucky in the sense that nutrition has always been a subjects I was interested in and I try to learn as much about it as I could. After coming to the US I did however fall in to a more unhealthy way of eating. Eating what everyone else ate. I recall the first time I had a Donut and how I practically spit it out, because it was so sweet, like nothing I ever had before.
I never drank sodas until I came to the Unites States but even then I drank it rarely, again, too sweet.
I rarely ate more then one piece of cake or pastry, but I did start to over eat sweets after coming to the States.
I never had a steak in my life until coming to the US.
Beef is expensive in Germany and we rarely ate any.
Fast food restaurants did not come along until late and I moved to the US just about the same time.
I did however eat meats, lots of cheese my whole life. My combination of French and German heritage meant I ate both cultural diets. I loved Camembert cheese, pork roast, pork chops, liverwurst, frankfurters and so on.
The bread I was used to is the dark crusty German what is sometimes called here Farmers Bread.
The white box shaped bread that is common here, I tried and found it to be awful.
After two decades in the United States, I had gained 50 pounds, was overweight for the first time in my life and at the final end a few years back, was diagnosed with high blood pressure, at times 190/115 = very dangerous. Then I started to have heart palpitations which finally prompted me to see a doctor. I had High Cholesterol and started to have joint pains, swollen feet and other pesky problems. I always had stomach problems as long as I can remember, constipation and pains.
Long story short... I have now normal blood pressure which I measure every day. I do still take some blood pressure medication but at times I simply don't for days and my pressure is just fine. If I take it about three times a week I am fine. My goal is to totally eliminate blood pressure medication. My cholesterol is better then average now. As a matter of fact my good cholesterol which I was told would be great if it where 50 its actually 62 (which I was told was marvelous) my bad cholesterol is 104. I accomplished this with going Vegan and no medication.
OK I can hear it now... where do you get your protein, what are you eating?
I eat plants. Anything plants related. The choices out there are endless and are growing and YES plants have plenty of protein and other great nutrition. I am going to share over time, all the things I eat or goods I find that I like.
I eat plenty of food, don't have to "diet" to lose weight. I have lost 20 pounds so far and it keeps going, slowly but surely. No starvation, no constipation, no more swollen feet, no more joint pain, no more high cholesterol, and my blood pressure is going in the right direction which is down. I have to watch stress and try not to upset myself about things.
Other improvements I have noticed is softer skin, the white in my eyes are whiter (they started to yellow before), my occasional itchy skin problem is history, I am more alert, and have more energy.
If someone asked me what can I do to lose weight and be healthy I would categorically say
"Go Vegan". It is easier then you have been made to believe.
This is from a mere health standpoint and does not even include the fact that not consuming animal products of any kind is good for your soul as well. That is of course if you are a spiritual person. Those that say they love animals should really try to go Vegan it's the only way to realize that statement of "I Love Animals". After all you can't eat and wear what you love because it has to be killed first. Should we really kill what we love? It's inherently illogical.
I want to share this good news. That is all I want. I am sad that the main stream media, the food industry to a large extend, our government is saying so little about the truth about food. Instead they all perpetuate the problem with the status quo. It is really a complex problem, involving politics, money and old ingrained myths and believes.
If you want to learn more about it I highly recommended reading the "China Study"!
Here is also a product I want tp praise. I do not get paid to recommend anything.
I try it out and if I like it I say so if I don't I say so. I am beholden to nobody but my own Conscience. Sometimes I may have links to a product. I am an Amazon affiliate so if you buy through those links I get a small commission. OK so you buy a jar of mayo and I get, what 20 cents. I don't recommend nothing that I don't like.
I really love Vegenaise Vegan mayo. When I first bought the jar I was leery. I was wondering, will it be creamy? Will it taste like mayo? Can this no egg, no dairy, no preservatives, no fillers, healthy claim, be to to good to be true. I was a skeptic.
But it was a great buy. I use it with sandwiches and making tartar sauce or creamy relishes. Yesterday I had Ruben sandwiches for dinner and used Vegenaise instead of thousand Island (did not have a vegan one handy). I also omitted the Sauerkraut not a big fan of it. Those sandwiches were fantastic and loaded with fiber,antioxidants,vitamins and flavor but lo win fat and ZERO cholesterol. Remember if you don't eat any animal products you will not add cholesterol. Cholesterol is only found in the bodies of animals, which includes humans. We make it ourselves just as animals make it. Plants do NOT have cholesterol.
I used to be a big fan of Butter, actually I could not imagine going without the TASTE of butter, that buttery taste. Now it's vegan margarine or oils, it is possible to reeducate your taste buds if you give it some time and find other flavorful things like I found these nutty oils. I just received my gourmet oils and I love all the great flavor and nutritional value. Using it sparingly is no problem since the flavors are strong. Less is more!

Maybe just breakfast and lunch. Maybe just dinner. Whatever reason you may have had to say no to Vegan, give it some new thoughts.
Two years ago I was a full fledged card carrying Carnivore. Now I am Vegan and my only regret is that this has not happened to be sooner, but hey better late then never! :-)
My best wishes!
Learn how to make Wheat Meat especially the "Corned Vegan Beef" HERE
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Wheat Meat
This video shows how to grill it and inspired me to make my own Seitan. Yesterday I ordered yeast to make my own tempeh but until the yeast arrives and until I have Tempeh, I will make some Seitan today. That is one of the simpler meats to make.
I think I will use it to bake and braise them in the oven as I normally would chicken breasts. First I marinade them them in my own Provence style marinade and then I'll bake them. The fun part will be to shape them like chicken breasts.
I shall let you know how it tuned out and take some photos to.
II love the video can't wait till spring to do some grilling.
In this video you see how to make Seitan Corned "Beef" without the beef. To make Ruben Sandwiches.
This sounds so great. I think I will make this first.
I made this a couple of hours ago and it tastes great.
A Keeper!