Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wonderful Email from a Friend!

Subject: New Year Blessings

Hello Angels,

I know you are all super busy gearing up for our nearly half gone January (whew! time flies), but I'd love to hear from you.

I'd love to hear about your Xmas dinner with friends and families, your holidays, your gifts and your New Years parties and especially your resolutions.

Did you make any? Did you begin this New Year fresh and awakened? Are you planning on doing anything differently this year? Or is this year one smooth, streamlined transition from 2009 -2010?

Personally I made few, if any resolutions. I don't necessarily connect with January as a new start. September always feels more like new beginnings to me with the fall, autumn leaves and changes of seasons.

However I am planning on one thing this year. And it involves beginning to take care of myself again. Like many of you here, learning about the horrors of the animal industry has made it absolutely unbearable to cope with anything other than the struggle to comprehend human brutality towards the most innocent beings, I would say the true angels on earth.

However, with Vegan Chefs blooming and taking the spotlight on Oprah and Ellen and with celebrities like Alicia Silverstone writing books on kind diets, (http://www.facebook.com/l/d0695;www.thekindlife.com/) it feels like a good time to take a small step back and watch things unfold.

I believe we have done our job and helping to create this message of such importance: that animals deserve to be treated as whole, living, feeling sentient beings with their own right to life is probably the most important message for all of humanity. We are not alone. We do not have the right to destroy life for own salvation, our own leisure, or our own personal pleasure.

I believe that in less than 20 years people will look back in horror at factory farming knowing that they contributed to the worst hell on earth and the blood shed that nearly killed the planet. And Warriors of Awareness will be able to live in good conscience, knowing that they fought for the greatest freedom: the freedom for all beings. I also believe that in the not too distant future eating meat in public will be equated to smoking cigarettes and will be if not banned, looked at with complete horror and disdain not only for the vulgarity of it, but because it is killing our planet, our earth and our personal health.

I think at this moment, although there are so many, too many battles still to fight, the war WILL end when Veganism is combined with Spirit. Because it is the truth. One simply can not be on a spiritual journey and continue to support the slaughter and killing of innocent creatures. The spiritual path is about compassion. And compassion does not include killing. The only answer to following a path of spirit is to live in harmony. And Veganism IS harmony.

Veganism is something to be celebrated. It is the answer to all of Earth's bloody horrors. Veganism is sexy, beautiful and transcendent. It takes creativity, awareness, reflection and discipline to become Vegan. It takes a whole new appreciation for each step we take and each decision we make, from the food we eat to the clothes we wear to the charities we donate to and support. Veganism is transcendent. And that is why not every body is willing to do it. One must take an honest look at the world around them and a truthful look within to be inspired enough to take this sometimes challenging, but rewarding and very truthful journey.

When I say I am beginning to look at thinking of my own personal health again, I do mean just beginning....putting that thought into my awareness.... that I need to begin to think of my own personal welfare once again. That it is ok for the time for it is the time to come out of this giant storm of torment and oppression towards animals. There will be many bumps and it will be a slow, meandering journey, but I hope some of you will join me.

Please join me in discussing this on the facebook group.
I would like to share more with you and hear how your year has begun.

With Full Blessings,
Radiant Angels, I salute you.


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