So shall we come to look at the world with new eyes. It shall answer the endless inquiry of the intellect, — What is truth? and of the affections, — What is good? by yielding itself passive to the educated Will. ... Build, therefore, your own world. As fast as you conform your life to the pure idea in your mind, that will unfold its great proportions. A correspondent revolution in things will attend the influx of the spirit. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Helplessly watching Dog being Starved
Friday, June 19, 2009
This is ridicolous and Hypocritical
How about pulling all meat and milk off the shelves until there is no contamination in it anymore.
Hormones, chemicals and toxins. Not to mention the animal abuses of the whole industry.
Instead they are advertised in schools with life size posters that are implying that drinking milk is a must to your health. They push this toxic stuff on children by using celebrities. Children are suffering from many food born allergies, how much can be contributed to dairy? But our government forces children to take drugs like Ritalin and continue to push milk and inferior meat on them in school lunch programs. I don't see any actions by the FDA on that.
Where is the outrage by the public?
This is not about protecting the consumer.
Whats next, herbs. I will have to go to a doctor to get a prescription for Chamomile Tea?
If I keep a blog on natural remedies, and state that Chamomile tea can calm nerves and help you sleep, will the government come after me and accuse me of having an illegal medical practice.
Peoples of the world especially the Chinese have for thousands of years relied on nature and it's remedies to heal to prevent disease. To go after a cereal maker because they claim the cereal can lower cholesterol is no different then going after a natural remedy store for selling herbs that claim various properties. I am very much in to natural remedies and love to buy them, without having to go through government or Doctors to ask for permission.
I have done so my whole life, I grow herbs myself. What about those sellers on ETSY that sell soaps and lotions with natural remedy ingredients, will they be targeted next as selling drugs and thus have to be regulated? What ever happened to allowing people to make choices. I don't trust any government enough to tell me the truth, why should they know what's good for me and what's not. In any case they still push dairy and meat which shows how little they know.
This is a very bad sign folks.
I don't like what I am seeing at all!!!
A cereal is top priority! GIVE ME A BREAK!
It's backwards.
FDA Takes Cheerios to Task for Boastful Labels
The Food and Drug Administration is going after exaggerated labeling in the food industry, targeting America's most popular cereal with an enforcement action over its health claims that the government says "cause it to be a drug."
"We try to make a bright line here between what can be said about a drug and what can be said about a food," said Dr. Sundlof. He said a more general claim about reduction in heart-disease risk from eating whole-grain foods may be permissible as long as specific language is used.
The FDA also took issue with a company-sponsored Web site mentioned on the Cheerios box. The Web site discusses the benefits of eating whole grains, but the FDA said some of the health claims about reducing cancer and heart-disease risk don't comply with agency rules.
The FDA said General Mills must "promptly" correct the violations outlined in the letter or the agency could take enforcement action, such as seizing products.
Dr. Sundlof said the FDA's review of Cheerios was prompted by a September 2008 letter from the National Consumers League that expressed concerns about the labeling on Cheerios.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Arrest made In Cat Torture & Killings in Florida

Here is an excerpt from Dahmer's Story:
This young child had a morbid fascination with death. At the tender age of 10 he was already experimenting with dead animals. He would use acid to clean the meat off the bones and when asked about his bone collection he would reply, “I like the sound of them when I play with them”. His first dissection was that of a pig fetus in school. He also nailed a dog's carcass to a tree and put its head on a stake.
By the time he turned 17 his interest in dead animals was not enough to satisfy his lust for killing and he became obsessed by fantasies of killing and mutilating men. He also developed a necrophilia desire and what better way than to kill the object of his desire. After Jeffrey graduated from high school at the age of 17 his father left him alone to tend for himself. He took to drinking becoming a loner alcoholic. His step mother stated that he was usually a quiet well behaved child until he was drunk. Then he would become violent and uncontrollable.
Jeffrey's obsession to kill and necrophilia desire eventually overcame any reasonable thoughts he may have had. A perfect solution to finding his first victim occurred when he stumbled upon a hitchhiker in 1978. He picked up Stephen Hicks and took him to his home for a few social drinks. They were having a great time chatting, laughing and they had sex but when Stephen tried to leave he hit him over the head with a barbell, then to make sure he was dead he strangled him. To dispose of the body he dismembered it, smashing the bones with a hammer and buried it.
We better takes such acts seriously. The fact that a humans being that seems so "normal" can actually commit these acts and is not stopped by his/her own inner ability to feel an other's pain, is alarming. Most of us would not be able to go through with inflicting such pain to any living being. Our compassion and empathy would stop us.When this barrier gets broken, and one can go through with such acts, an important part of what makes us humans has been broken. This is serious and many young people are getting desensitised to others feelings. We must pay attention and with prevention and consequences to the action of people like Dahmer or Weinman.
We must teach compassion for all living beings regardless of what it is. If someone loves dogs and says they hate cats we must teach them that these animal are different but equal. We must make them understand that loving one creature does not make it right to hate another that may be opposite of it. If young people persistently express their hate for certain animals we should pay attention and find out what is going on in their lives and intervene immediately. Maybe it would help to start thinking deeper as to how we live our lives in regards to animals. How we treat them and the hypocrisy of it all. We eat meat that we don't kill ourselves ... learn how the meat industry treats animal and ask yourself.... why do we expect children to grow up to be loving people if we allow and condone such cruelties behind thick walls.? If slaughter houses had glass wall we all be vegetarian... believe me!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Must we?
OSAGE BEACH, Mo. (AP) — The United States is about to spend $50 million in stimulus money on fish food to help fish farmers who have been struggling since feed prices jumped 50 percent last year.
The money could provide algae to nourish clam and oyster larvae along the Pacific coast, fill the bellies of tilapia in Arizona and feed catfish, trout and gamefish in the Midwest and South.
Supporters say many fish farms are in already poor areas. They say the money will help keep the farms going and preserve jobs in areas hard hit by the recession and lacking other industries.
Much of the money is likely to end up in Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas — the nation's largest catfish producers. Catfish accounts for one-third of the nation's $1.4 billion aquaculture industry.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Evil Among us !!!
Anyone who can brutalize an innocent, helpless creature is the lowest human that walks the earth, capable of anything. No compassion, no morals, no empathy... pure evil, the tool of the devil! I am hereby calling upon the spirits and I am sending out a curse upon this person. I am sending voodoo that this person committing this cruel acts upon these beloved cats, will as of right now, become violently ill and die a slow and painful death!
20 cat deaths leave Fla. communities worried
MIAMI (AP) - The black cat's body was found in the grass, just feet from the hedges where she slept each day.
Miss Kitty was still warm to the touch when the South Florida couple who cared for her found her in the yard next door. Her head was smashed and her back legs skinned, like pieces of chicken in a grocer's freezer. And she was not the only one to suffer such a fate.
Horrified owners have been finding their cats killed and mutilated for the past month in two south Miami-Dade County communities. Many of the cats were missing fur and appeared to have been cut with a sharp, straight instrument, police said. In all, investigators are looking into about two dozen deaths, with enough evidence to try to prosecute at least 15 of the cases.
"Every time I hear about someone else, I'm in their shoes and I see my cat again," said Mary Lou Shad, who fed and cared for Miss Kitty with her husband for the past year. Although the cat was feral, they considered her their pet.
I feel terrorized to the point where everywhere I go, I'm looking for dead cats on the side of the road," Shad said.
Investigators don't yet know who or what is behind the gruesome cat deaths in Cutler Bay and Palmetto Bay, but owners are keeping their pets inside, raising reward money and warily eyeing strangers.
Police spokeswoman Rebeca Perez said the manner of death indicates a person killed the animals, and that the deaths could be linked. So far, there's no indication the killer or killers plan to attack people.
Whoever's responsible "hasn't given any indication that this is some sort of a threat where this person's going to commit these crimes against a human being," Perez said.
The Shads' canary-colored home sits in a calm suburban neighborhood of small one-story houses, neat lawns and caring neighbors. There is a school nearby and a park with swings and playground equipment. An ice cream truck rumbles through, its tune echoing down the streets.
But the apparent tranquility belies residents' anger and fear.
"Be aware that there is a psychopathic coward, killing cats," reads one poster taped to a neighborhood street sign.

Read Full Story
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Every year, more than 100,000 American horses are cruelly slaughtered to satisfy the markets for horsemeat in Europe and Asia. Since the last horse slaughter plants in the U.S. were closed in 2007, unwanted American horses are commonly shipped to Canada and Mexico for these killings. Click here to stop the transport of American horses for slaughter today >>
The methods used to kill these horses once they arrive at a processing plant can be exceptionally inhumane. In Mexico, slaughterhouse workers commonly use small, thin knives to stab horses into a state of paralysis (by severing their spinal cords), and then slaughter them while still fully conscious. The Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act, recently introduced to Congress, would put an end to this practice by prohibiting the transport of America's horses across state lines and international borders for slaughter. Please contact your representatives and urge them to support this anti-horse slaughter bill now >>
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