Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Story Of Malcolm & Luke

Animals hold such mystery. They can change us, they can teach us, they bring out the best in us if we let them. That is why it is so incomprehensibly to me when they are abused and tortured and killed. Here is a story of a man and his dog Malcolm who died of cancer. But is raises another issue. Animals that are diagnosed with cancer similar to humans. What is happening, is is food related and can we trust what we're told by entities that have a vested interest in quieting these questions?

Many pets are afflicted with cancer similar to humans cancer, post pets consume the same meat from the plants and factory farms as people do. I believe the meat industry has long known the connection between eating meats that has been tainted with drugs, and human as well as animal disease, but the meat industry is such a powerful group of people that they are covering up what we should know. Our government has every interest in not allowing the information out. If you research drug companies and the drugs they manufacture for livestock and how it is used, how often and what it is, you can connect the dots yourself. There is no way that all these drugs that are given to cows, pigs, chickens, to keep them from getting sick, and make them better if they are sick, with numerous diseases, is not ending up on our dinner plates. Taken also in to account to large amounts of meat we eat more then we really need it just multiplies the amount of the drugs we ingest. If it goes in to the body of an animal it will go in to the blood and in to the meat, bottom line. If we eat it it goes in to our stomach, blood cells and we wonder ...

Study links Breast Cancer to Red Meat

It seems the increase in cancer is going right along the lines of increase in meat consumption. Dairy is no different.
The meat industry and the government mostly says meat is safe. But we are supposed to believe that because "they say so" and they would never lie.

Disturbing images of downed dairy cows forced to their feet so they can be slaughtered to be consumed as food. These videos are under cover and it is probably the proverbial tip of the iceberg.

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