Thursday, July 11, 2013

Jackie McConnell of Collierville, Tennessee is a sadist. Watch what he does and see so for yourself. This is a dangerous man.

Tennessee Walking Horses are tortured to walk this silly, ridiculous stilt walk.

They have been tortured to do this for as long as I live and anyone who did not know this lives in lala land. This is not a trainer this is a torturer.

He would fit right in the old south slave days whipping slaves. He is a sadist and needs to be prosecuted or have an accident.

Jackie McConnell of Collierville, Tennessee is a sadist.

Tennessee lawmakers where is your conscience. Your State allowing this is disgusting! People who go an watch these Walking Horse shows, open your eyes, get educated. Don't participate! Don't enable this.

International News | Entertainment | Politics

Jackie McConnell of Collierville, Tennessee is a sadist

When animals are bred and "trained" for profit humans will always end up abusing them in lesser or higher degree.  This is exposing this particular abuse. Hopefully more will follow. Thank you ABC for exposing this. More please!

I urge people not to patronize any events that is sponsored and for profit. Including aquariums, circuses, Rodeos and anything that has making money using animals as a goal.

It's all barbaric and the dark side of the abuses are hidden. Also do not buy pets from breeder there are millions of animals in shelters. 8 millions euthanized every year. Stop animal abuse by how and where you spend your money.