All over this country and all over the world people are sacrificing life and limb, money, comfort and their health in order to help suffering, neglected and hurt animals, of a different kind. These are four legged, winged, fur or feathered, scaled of finned, pawed or huffed, they come in all sizes shapes and species. They all have something very basic in common with us the Human species. Something we all can relate to.
They all feel pain, they can suffer as we do, they can starve, be thirsty, be lonely, suffocating, agonize and in short they all are LIVING Beings worthy of their lives.
So these exceptional humans, take on the responsibility that many of us don't or won't for many reasons. Some of us can't, not to extend that these people do. But we all CAN do something.
If we have wealth we CAN give money. This money helps to buy food, keep clean shelters, pay for veterinary care, and many incidentals, rent, communications any cost associated with running an operation like a sanctuary.
Some of us don't have much money but maybe we have time, we can volunteer, if we have computer skills we can help to promote those organizations, that do most good. If we know a local sanctuary we can volunteer with labor. We can recruit other volunteers.
If we don't think we can do any of these we can still do something.
We can get our pets spayed and neutered, get pets from shelters instead of breeders.
Not purchase fur and leather products that create a market that ends up harming animal.
In our way of life, if not immediately, but maybe slowly but surely go in to a plant based lifestyle and chose our food, clothing and toiletries and cosmetics, based on the "compassion FOR ALL principle."
See what the "Leaping Bunny" program is.
There are many things we can do and believe me when we do them, "They make us feel very good!" There is no better feeling in the world then saving a life, human or animal, saving it, directly or indirectly, a life is a life and saving one and seeing the results, it hits us very deep, where the happy tears live.
I know from personal experience.
With that being said I want you to meet
Terry DeGaw
the heart and soul of "Serenity Springs Animal Sanctuary"

In this first "Putting a Face on Kindness" I wanted to feature her, because this is a face of kindness.
From what I read and personally know about taking care of many animals on a daily bases, her schedule is hard, the work is hard and she is not the youngest, but she toils away every day for these animals. Self sacrifice has a face.
I hope this feature will help to raise some funds for her sanctuary.
Serenity Springs Sanctuary in located at:
2162 Merritt Road
Forestburg, TX 76239
(940) 964-2318
Facebook Pages for Terry and Serenity Springs
Learn about the Animals on this sanctuary
Terry says this:
Mission Statement
Serenity Springs Sanctuary is a non-profit, "no-kill", 501(c)(3) tax-exempt facility dedicated to the rescue of potbellied pigs and other porcine. The Sanctuary's efforts are not confined to pigs. Other species including horses, goats, dogs, cats, fowl and any others needing sanctuary are welcome, as long as there are room and finances to assure the very best of care. No animal will be euthanized unless there is a terminal illness or mortal injury. All reasonable measures will be taken prior to making this decision. Breeding is not condoned or practiced by the sanctuary. All males are neutered and females are spayed if appropriate.
I say please support her efforts and help to make the lives of all these wonderful beings easier by donating what you can today~