Thursday, May 24, 2012

As the World Changes, we are all part of the whole.

Having been born in France to a French father and a German mother and having lived in France and Germany and traveled to many places in Europe, I see myself as a world citizen, not so much just as a US citizen even though I obtained the US citizenship and I love America for the most part. I really find it odd that a person must have a citizenship.

Are they afraid that if more people saw themselves independent of a national citizenship they lose control over them?

What if I simply wanted to be a citizen of the world? Why do country governments want to take ownership of a person, why do they try to say that you are not patriotic, if you don't fall in line with traditional doctrines. What are they afraid of? What is wrong with loving and learning about the world, other countries, other peoples?

That does not imply that I agree with all these other countries and like everything they do, but it opens the door to dialogue and understanding, when you learn about them and that is a good thing in my book.

I am far from being a person that glorifies other cultures. I was raised by a step father who was an Armenian from Turkey and I learned lots of great things about Turkey because of him, but also not so great things. The patriarch attitude toward women and girls under which I suffered as a child for example. The sexism so to speak. Bad people live next to good people all over the world.

I praise and I criticize anyone and everyone, if I feel I have to do so in order to bring attention or speak my mind, and I back it up with facts, that's what I try to do.

I like a lot about America but there is plenty not to like too. I have lived in other places so I see things from different perspectives. Sometimes when I meet people that lives in one area their whole live, never traveled, I find that they can be very prejudice and boring really. I really feel a bit sorry for them. You have one life to live and the vessel is so empty at the end of the journey.

I honestly can't say that there is any country in the world that I think is GREAT or PERFECT. All countries and cultures have the same common threat that often ruins everything. "TRADITIONS"!

There are nice, fun, innocent traditions that make life colorful and exciting and differentiate one country from another. But many "Traditions" are nothing more that actions based on prejudice and ignorance and superstition, that involve abuse and oppression of some life-form, race or the opposite or other sex.

These "Traditions" are upheld and spread by, as I call them "The old Guard" who is actively brain washing innocent children in to their thinking, and the as I call them "willful silent" of the world, who are inactive and stand by out of fear or inconvenience, let things happen.

I won't count off all the "Traditions" that belong on the trash pile of History, if you follow me you figure it out, or all the countries that have them because the list is too long, just think of a country and you probably right, starting with your own.

The indoctrination in to these horrible "Traditions" takes place on the family table at dinner time, activities during so called family time, activities during vacation time, in our heads where we abandon compassion, logic and common sense, and when we don't stand up and raise our voice to what we know to be wrong. Silence is as destructive as actions are, inactivity is complicity.

I am encouraged by the young faces in the crowds all over the World that I see, especially of Animal Rights Activist groups, the children that are fighting too, standing next to their parents, generations fighting for the planet, the flora and fauna that is part of their future.

It gives me great pleasure and hope to see that.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Circuses with animals are places of pain not joy!

I know you love animals , that is why you will read on and think about these words. When the circus come to town you may want to look for a different type of entertainment. One that does not involve cruelty to animals. There are plenty of things to do that doesn't involve animal slavery and misery. Circuses are places of delusion... not illusion, places of pain, not joy... you are taken for a ride in a place where animals have no rights. Elephants are tortured with bullhooks 'till the bleed, and you clap and giggle, when they sit or walk in a circle... your child's eyes glee with joy.

What if your child looked behind the curtain before opening and saw and heard the cries of these animals? Would they look at you and wonder what is going on here. Mamma why are these Elephants crying, why do they have blood on their faces and legs? What would you say? "Oh they don't feel pain, it's just an animal!" Is that how you want your child to grow up? Insensitive to the suffering of others? Remember next time you see an Elephant doing a circus trick, they do that out of fear of pain. Pain and Chains is ALL THEY KNOW and that is what they go back to after you had your happy fill!

Related links:

The Saddest Show on Earth

 Gary Jacobson is again shown electrocuting this baby elephant as it lies on the ground, defenseless. The device he's using, a "hot-shot", sends 4,000 volts through the elephant's body.  see more photos and read the facts!p=2&n=10

Lupine Seeds... the future in plant based protein and fat substitute.

Lupine Seeds... the future in plant based protein and fat substitute. Documentary is in German
Clipped from: (share this clip)

Stop Selling Fur "Kardashians"

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Stop Senseless Trapping of our Wolves and other Wildlife in Montana!
Public Comments needed to FWP, best by May 10 Dear Friend,

Your comment is needed against wolf trapping and snaring on public lands. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) will present the proposal to allow a wolf trapping season on our public lands on May 10 in Helena! Click here to read all about it... 

TO SUBMIT COMMENTS (Note: Comments must be received by May 20, better by May 10 the latest. The commissioners’ names are: Ron Moody, Bob Ream, Dan Vermillion, A.T. Stafne and Shane Colton.

I just emailed my comment which reads like this: To the attention of: Mr. Ron Moody, Mr. Bob Ream, Mr. Dan Vermillion, Mr. A.T. Stafne and Mr. Shane Colton.

Dear Sirs,

My name is Ginette Callaway. I have lived in the State of Georgia for over 20 years and I am looking to maybe move to Montana in the near future if possible. I am an artist (I paint) and I love the natural environment and wilderness. Everything I have seen about Montana is so wonderful. The nature and land, it's filled with Life and incomparable beauty. In my search for property in Montana I came across an issue that disturbs me very much. I read about the trapping issue. I have seen what trapping does to those poor souls caught in traps. Maybe I am naive, but for some reason I hoped such things are of the past. I see it is not. It is beyond me why we still do such barbaric things. There is no need to make animal suffer in trapping. I know, there are many that bring up the argument of tradition. Throughout human history, many traditions have found their way to extinction. Some sooner than later, we simply learned better ways. Trapping too belongs on the trash pile of history.

I could go in to all the different arguments pros and cons about trapping, but to me these arguments distract from what truly matters. What should matter is that we need to evolve as humans and treat our fellow earth travelers with kindness, dignity and compassion. Every feeling human would agree, none of that comes to mind when we look at what trapping is, A cruel way of hurting living beings. Please I implore you to think deeply about this. Montana is such a place of spirit, soul, magnificence, in the eyes of anyone who sees it. Let us not mare this beauty with the ugliness of trapping. Let us agree that we can do without it in this new century. I believe anything is possible. Let Montana be as big in it's compassion for animals as it is in beauty and let Montana be a trailblazer and end trapping. It would be a shining example for others to follow! Thank You! Respectfully Ginette Callaway

Today I will also forward my letter to Montana Department of Tourism, too. Tourism is the 2nd largest industry in Montana and they need to continue to hear what impact trapping has on visitors choosing to come here.


Contact Info Street Address:
301 South Park Avenue Helena,
MT 59620 Mailing Address:
PO Box 200533 Helena, MT 59620

Toll Free: 800-847-4868