If you fight for Animal Rights, Against hunting and for Humane Education for Children,
what do you do if you live in a world brain washed in to thinking you have to kill and eat animals.
You keep looking for that candidate that will break the barrier, the candidate that is enlightened. The candidate for the future of a better world.
I live in Georgia District 13
Tomorrow early voting starts in my district 13 in Georgia. Today I send and email to all
the candidates for Congress in my district, to see who comes at least close to my philosophy on issues.
I asked specifically about Hunting, Vegan Lunch school choices and Animal Rights. Most other subjects are usually covered in their web site in issues. They never mention Animals Rights there isn't even such a topic for them. Wonder why so many people don't vote. After the first response I am even more discouraged. There is no representation for Animals in Washington and I wonder if these old timers care about the children and their mental and physical health. All the while using God as an excuse to condone murder & torture and keeping up the status quo of ill health for millions of children by force feeding them meat and dairy but preaching about not forcing Vegan views on them. They have forced meat on children for a long time but never even think that a child may never eat meat or drink milk if it weren't for the old "You Eat What's On Your Plate" dictatorship!
These statements say it all: "
God gave dominion to man over the animals, to be a caretaker as well as to consume." (The same old lies perpetrated by Christians since the inception of Christianity)
I do believe we can use more humane methods to dispatch animals..."The choice of the word "Dispatch" tells me all I need to know abut the attitude of this individual, Michale Frisbee (Democrat) toward other sentient beings. A specicist for sure!
Here is the message I emailed to each:
I am an independent voter from Clayton County and a Vegan, and am still trying to decide for whom to vote.
Among other issues, one major issue to me that no candidate ever talks about.
but is tremendously important to me and many of my friends is Animal Rights and School Lunch Programs that will include more Non Meat and making available Non Dairy Dairy choices, like Almond Milk and Soy Products, in other words Vegan food choices and truly humane education.
Where do you stand on hunting (which is not the same a gun right for self defense) I am a fervent defender of the right to bear arms which is not the same as the right to kill animals.
Where do you stand on Animal Rights, strengthening Animal Protection laws,
making it illegal to chain dogs, and creating stronger Farm Animal protection laws?
Ginette Callaway
I got my first response from Michael Frisbee (Democrat)I will post any other responses from the other candidates as I get them.
Here is the Response from Frisbee:
Dear Ms. Callaway,
I believe in a wholly nutritional diet for growing kids,
as recommended by the USDA, which does include meat. Granted – school lunches could use a reformation to much healthier alternatives that are much more cost efficient that junk food.I would not be against supporting vegan options for those families that choose to do that – but I really think that such choices should be held until a child can understand and make those choices for themselves.
I grew up in Pennsylvania. One thing my father and
I did was hunt and fish. Hunting, when done with proper wildlife
management, is a beneficial thing for humans and wildlife.
In Pennsylvania, back in the late 70’s, quotas and such were cut back drastically on deer hunting. Within a few years, deer herds grew rapidly, and started damaging woodlands and grazing down natural grassland areas on the plateaus. Soon – deer herds were starving. God gave dominion to man over the animals, to be a caretaker as well as to consume. I do believe we can use more humane methods to dispatch animals in the commercial markets and would work to assure that.
As for Animal protection – if you mean for domesticated
animals like pets – then yes – we need stronger laws and penalties.
As for chaining dogs, what would you suggest as an
alternative? Also – do you have a link for me to look at what
legislation is being proffered in regards to Farm Animal Protection Laws?
Probably not what you wanted to hear, but it is the truth
as to where I stand. I respect your right to live a Vegan lifestyle, but
that does not mean I will change things to force that lifestyle on everyone else. Have a great day tomorrow,
Michael Frisbee
New Liberty Democrat
(Jeffersonian Conservative
Frisbee For Congress 2010
P.O. Box 5
Winston, GA 30187
If you want to know how politicians think on animal rights or Vegan issues. follow this post, as I get otehr responses (if I do) I will post them here. I will aslo post who did not respond at all.