Friday, April 30, 2010

Tell the Ahold supermarket company to join grocers such as Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and Harris Teeter in boycotting seafood from sealing provinces.

We’ve reached a tipping point. I can feel it.

Thanks to you and thousands of others who stood up for seals this year, the writing is on the wall: Canada’s commercial seal hunt cannot last.

Help me end this barbaric annual slaughter by keeping up the pressure on the Canadian fishermen who hunt seals in the offseason: Tell the Ahold supermarket company to join grocers such as Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and Harris Teeter in boycotting seafood from sealing provinces.
Ahold is based in the Netherlands but owns several major grocery chains in the United States, including Giant, Martins, Stop & Shop, and Peapod. Ahold and its subsidiaries are committed to buying more sustainably harvested seafood, but they fall short in their level of commitment to responsible marine stewardship when it comes to seals. Unlike their major competitors, Ahold has not provided assurance that they are not buying (and will not buy) seafood from the fishermen who club and shoot baby seals each spring. With your help, we’re hopeful they will re-consider this oversight.
Our seafood boycott is working. Over 5,500 grocery stores and restaurants are already using their seafood purchasing to send Canada a clear message. And thanks to the seal product ban in the European Union, seal skin prices are very low. As a result, far fewer sealers participated in the hunt this year.
While the hunt was smaller than usual, the killing we witnessed was horrific. We documented many violations of the few inadequate rules to which sealers are supposed to adhere. The evidence we gathered this year could be the final nail in the coffin for the Canadian seal hunt.

You and thousands of other animal lovers around the globe have made this possible by donating to send us to the ice, boycotting Canadian seafood, and telling Canada you’ll do whatever it takes to end the hunt. One by one, your actions have created a sea change that’s spelling the end of this annual massacre, once and for all.


Rebecca Aldworth
Executive Director
Humane Society International/Canada

P.S. Check out our ProtectSeals cause gear available exclusively at Humane Domain, our online store. Show your support for seals and feel good knowing you’re supporting The Humane Society of the United States.

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Meat Consumption, Poverty and Hunger

Did you know:
  • It takes up to 16 pounds of grain to produce just 1 pound of edible animal flesh. Making meat consumption a very inefficient use of grain.
  • About 20 percent of the world’s population, or 1.4 billion people, could be fed with the grain and soybeans fed to U.S. cattle alone.
  • Even fish on fish farms must be fed 5 pounds of wild-caught fish to produce one pound of farmed fish flesh.
  • Because, the industrial world is exporting grain to developing countries and importing the meat that is produced with it, farmers who are trying to feed themselves are being driven off their land.
  • If everyone on Earth received 25 percent of his or her calories from animal products, only 3.2 billion people could be nourished.
  • It takes about 300 gallons of water per day to produce food for a vegan, and more than 4,000 gallons of water per day to produce food for a meat-eater.
  • You save more water by not eating a pound of beef than you do by not showering for an entire year.
  • Food for a vegan can be produced on only 1/6 of an acre of land, while it takes 3 1/4 acres of land to produce food for a meat-eater.

“The American fast-food diet and the meat-eating habits of the wealthy around the world support a world food system that diverts food resources from the hungry.”

-Dr. Waldo Bello, executive director of the Institute for Food and Development Policy

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Please Chip In to get Mima Her Surgery. Someone brutally cut her legs off.

Mima, Dog from Bulgaria Whose 4 Legs Were Brutally Chopped Off!!!

Update: April 7, 2010 (Please read as we can not send you individual updates. Or join our Facebook group, see link below)
This is Mima, a sweet dog from Bulgaria. She was tortured and mutilated by a sadistic monster who hacked each one of her limbs off... not just once but for days and weeks at a time!! Despite the vicious and brutal torture Mima suffered, she still is a trusting, sweet soul and is a true survivor. She now has a new guardian, Mrs. Violeta Dobreva (a lawyer and head of NGO in Bulgaria) who will shower her with the love and care she deserves. The doctors say there is a good chance that Mima will be able to walk again soon! Until a medical team and facility has been selected and all evaluations have been made, we do not yet have an estimate of the total cost for her medical care. As soon as we do, this ChipIn will then be changed to reflect a Target Amount. After the horror Mima was put through and her own will to survive, we want only the best for Mima so she can live the rest of her years comfortably. Please bear in mind that we aim for the best specialists to work on not just one or two limbs, but all four limbs that were savagely butchered (unlike surgical amputation), she will also need prosthesis, cart, transport, and will require a long and extensive rehabilitation process all these can be astronomical. Any overages from this collection (if any) will go towards helping the many animals in desperate need in Bulgaria.

Mima at the shelter, after being found mutilated.

Punishment for the man crippled Mima

To Bulgarian Prime Minister Boiko Borisov

Justice for Mima